
876 27 45

April 16th
Jacks POV

I woke up and Zach wasn't there.

Did I dream?

I rolled over and heard the water running.

"Zach" I said next to the door

"Yeah I'll be out in a minute" he said

I looked for my phone and saw one.

But it wasn't any of ours.

It had a white phone case on it.


But how did he have it?

I picked it up and yep it was his.

But he never texted or nothing.


"Hey I'm ou- what're you doing" he asked me as he walked towards the bed

Jonah and Daniel were down stairs eating breakfast

"You had your phone the whole time you were must of gotten the messages didn't you" I said tearing up but batting my lashes fo make them go away

"Yes. I did." He said

Truth is I texted him PM everyday.

Making sure he was okay and telling him everything. E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G

How I felt.

When I cut.

Which I did more than once.

But he never responded.

"why didn't you text me back. I was hurting" I said and he went to hold my hand but I stopped him

"I- I couldn't" he said

"Why? Because they would of caught you? No. You told me they didn't come out late at night so you could have texted me. Hell you could have even read it and I wouldn't have been happy" I said and he looked shocked

"I'm sorry. Mason-" I cut him off

"Oh so mason told you not to I see how it is" i said and stood up

"No it's not like that" he said

"No its exactly like that. Did you sleep with him too" I said

"Yes but-" he said

"YOU WHAT" I said

"No- I-" I cut him off again

"No don't even" I said and slammed the door and ran out

Why can't I just be happy.

I ran down the stairs outside and stood on the sidewalk next to the car.

I punched the brick wall 7 times before Jonah ran towards me and pulled me down and into a hug.

I was angry.

I had hot tears rolling down my cheeks

"Shhhhh it's gonna be alright" he whispered to me as he rocked us back and forth

Tate, Gabbie, Christina and corbyn walked down stairs with Zach and Daniel right behind him.

I know I shouldn't be acting like this but truth be told I've been holding these emotions in for a while now and they just had to burst out right when I was almost happy.

I stood up and wiped my tears and smiled a fake smile.

"Look af me being the emotional mess y'all didn't sign up for" I said with a dry chuckle

"Haha yeah" corbyn said and Christina slapped him

"Hey it's not your fault" Gabbie said and hugged me

"Yeah. But it is. I'm an overdramatic little bitch who's depressed and bipolar that shouldn't have friends like you guys. I don't deserve any of this." I said and walked off

I needed a break.

Zach's POV

I messed up again.

I was just standing there as he walked off.

Didn't say a word.

We're in Ohio and I'm letting him just walk off.

"Hey what happened up there" Tate asked

"His hand is still bleeding" Daniel said

"I didn't text him" I said and sat down on the ground

"You didn't have your phone now would you of" Christina asked

"I did. I kept it" I said

"Oh. Well did you have service" Gabbie asked

"Yes. I saw everything" I said

"I'm glad we made a new gc so you didn't see the escape plan" corbyn said with a laugh

"So why didn't you text him back" Jonah asked

"Mason said not to" I said

"And you listened to him" corbyn said face palming himself

"Wait wait wait who's mason" Gabbie asked

"My old roommate" I said

"And you listened to him wow" Daniel said

"I know. Stupid. I could've helped him so much" i said and stood up

"Yeah. But that's in the past to and help him now" Tate said and I did

I ran after him.

Eventually I found him walking down the road.

"Jack" I yelled and he stopped and looked at me.

"What" he said

"Stop and listen"I said slightly out of breath

"Why you didn't want to help me the so why should I let you now" he said

He sounded so broken.

"Because I need to jack. I want to." I said

"Well I don't want you to. We're gonna cut the trip short or atleast I am. I'm flying back home tonight. Your welcome for helping you. Now I'm leaving" he said and walked away

I followed him and kept telling him I was sorry and I loved him and he didn't care.

I screwed up once again.


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