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I felt like wearing just "boy" clothes today.

So I put on some joggers and a t-shirt and headed to school, I wore a beanie and had my glasses on instead of contacts so I guess it was a lazy day.

As I walked in my friends just looked at me...not in bad way just a confused way.

"Jack is that you" corbyn asked jokingly

"Yep." I said and grabbed my books out of my locker.

"Your finally wearing your glasses to school" Christina said excitedly

"Dang I was excited to see your new clothes" Tate said

"Sorry Tate maybe tomorrow" I said and she nodded and we laughed

"Where's Gabbie" I asked

"Oh she's running late. She got a ride from Daniel" corbyn said and we all laughed

"Welp Jonah wanna head to class" I asked

"Yeah But I have to wait on zach we have the same class with him" Jonah said and I nodded

"I'm here!!" Zach said running towards us

"Okay okay zach chill" I said and he looked me up and down.

"You good Zach" corbyn asked with a chuckle

"Oh uh yeah let's go" he said blushing more than usual

After our classes it was lunch time and thankfully Gabbie and Daniel made it to the second class.

"So someone finally got a picture of the black hole" corbyn was saying before I sat down

"Cool" I said

"So Gabbie howd it feel running late for the first time" I asked and she glared at Daniel

"I'm sorry gabs" Daniel said raising his hands up in defense

"Next time I'm riding with you jonah" Gabbie said and I laughed

We talked a little more and I kept glancing over at Zach.

I'm pretty sure that Gabbie noticed because she texted me.

Gabcakes- u have a crushhhh

Jackyyy- do not

Gabcakes- then why you keep looking at zay?

Jackyy- I don't...

Gabcakes- lies


I sighed and finished eating.

It's not that I don't have a crush on zach it's just that I don't want to get one and get heartbroken.

Kinda like how Gabbie has a crush on Christina- Shit I wasn't supposed to say that.


Well you see Gabbie likes Christina and yeah Christina is bisexual but we all think that corbyn likes Christina too...

It's complicated.

But Zach didn't say he wasn't gay nor did he say he was straight.

I just don't think he would like me.

After lunch we had our classes and what not but after school ended I rode him with Christina.

It was me her, corbyn, Tate.

Yeah Gabbie rode with Jonah, Daniel, zach.

But we all walked into Christina's room and sat down. We had some snacks and was just hanging out till the conversation of crushes came to be.

"So jack you have your eye on anyone" Christina asked me and I blushed at the thought of Zach.

"Ooo you do" Tate said

"Who is it" corbyn asked

"Well he'll never like me back so what's the point of even telling" I said

"You never know I bet he does I mean who wouldn't like my curly haired bestie" Christina said and I smiled

"Okay...well you's a-zach" I said and Tate gasped

"I knew it!! I told y'all" Tate said and corbyn laughed

"I guess you were right" corbyn said

"So who do you like corbyn" I said with a smirk

"Uhhh. Well...I- you see" corbyn kept stuttering

"Corbyn I bet who ever you like, likes you too I mean what's not to like" Christina said

"Is it someone in the room" Tate asked knowing that it's most likely Christina

"Maybe" corbyn said

"Is it Christina" I asked and he gulped

"Aww corbyn, I like you too" Christina said and corbyn blushed

"Really? You do" corbyn said

"Of course I do. I thought that you would have known considering all the hints I have given" she said and we all laughed

"So Tate how about you" I asked

"I have my eye on someone but she has her eye on someone else" Tate said and I sighed

"Tate dont worry about her. Eventually if she's worth it she'll fall right for you" I said and she smiled and thanked me.

We ended up just hanging out and joking around and corbyn is taking Christina out on a date this week which is great.

Besides the fact Gabbie likes Chris and Tate likes Gabbie.

Ugh love sucks.

Zach's POV

So as I'm chilling at Jonah's with Gabbie, Daniel.

We decided to talk about none other than stupid crushes.

Why does it always have to be brought up.

I don't even fully know my sexuality yet.

"Well Daniel you like anyone" Jonah asked with a blush.

"Y-Yeah" he said

I learned that Daniel and Jonah both are bisexual, Well Daniel is gay. But also Gabbie is gay. And I never would have thought that there is only one straight person in this squad. I mean even Tate is bi. And I can't even come to terms with my sexuality.

I'm pathetic.

"Well who is it" Gabbie asked

"Well we flirt back and forth so I think he likes me.." Daniel said and Jonah smiled

"Daniel if it's who I think it is then don't worry they like you to" Jonah said and Daniels eyes lit up

"Really they do" Daniel said

"Of course I do dani" Jonah said and Daniel smiled and hugged him

"Wow okay that was a plot twist" I said and Gabbie laughed

"So gabs who do you like" I asked and she frowned

"No one anymore..." she said

"Aww gabs was it Chris" I said

Christina texted me earlier and told me about her and corbyn and I told them and Gabbie felt sad.

"Yeah. But that doesn't matter anymore how about you" she said and I sighed

"I have no earthly idea anymore" I said sighing and throwing my head back.

"Well I bet y'all will find someone who makes you happy"Jonah said smiling at Daniel

"I'm taking you on a date this Friday" Daniel said and Jonah smiled

"It's a date" Jonah said and I laughed

We started watching Netflix before we left Jonah's later that night.

Gabbie ended up staying at my place and we actually talked about Florida.

Turns out we surprisingly went to the same elementary and middle school.


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