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I heard Mrs.Way yelling at Gerard as I closed their front door behind me. I cringed at some of the things she said, though they weren't directed at me. I pondered what I had heard Mrs.Way yell at Gerard. That's when I had an idea. I ran home and burst through the door.

"Can Gerard and Mikey come live with us? At least until their mom seems stable?" Mom stared at me, confused.

"What do you mean?"

"I was over at Gerard's, and everytime I go over Gerard gets in trouble and I heard his mom yelling at him. She doesn't seem very stable. So, like, maybe the Way brothers could come live with us and let their mom catch a break?" Mom pondered this for a minute, then nodded.

"We can go get them tomorrow." I silently celebrated and ran back to my room. I looked around, awkwardly realizing that we didn't have any extra rooms in our tiny house. I sat on my bed and texted Gerard.

"Hey." It took him awhile to respond, which was understandable.


"How'd it go with your mom?"

"Not good."

"Oh. Well, hey, uh, my mom said you and Mikey could come live with us. We'd come and pick you up tomorrow." There was a pause before he responded


"Oh yeah."

"What about the fact that I'm a werewolf?" I silently cursed myself. I hadn't really thought of that.

"We'll figure something out. My mom is super understanding." I texted Gerard until I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning, shifting slightly. My phone was still grasped in my hand, a new text from Gerard fresh on the screen. I smiled and rolled out of bed. I got dressed and went out to the kitchen, where my mom was cooking breakfast. I waved and sat down at the table. Luckily, it was Saturday, otherwise I would have been screwed,

"When are we gonna go get the Ways?"

"I was thinking around noon." I nodded as Mom set a plate of food down in front of me.

"Mom... there's something you need to know about Gerard."

"What's that?"

"He's, uh, he's a werewolf."

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