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"It's just like the common cold, but it's completely wrecked him. It's like a cold on steroids. How did it get this bad?"

"He didn't say anything. His brother had a cold about a week ago. I guess he caught it from him." I tried to move my head to the voices that were talking, but didn't even have enough energy. I couldn't even open my eyes. I opened my mouth, barely even managing a whisper. I heard the voices go silent, barely picking up on a consistent beeping. Beeping? The voices started up again, more urgent this time.

"How is he awake?"

"Is he okay?" I barely recognized that voice. It was...

"Frankie?" I couldn't even hear myself, but I felt someone take my hand, holding it gently.

"Is that you? Where..?"

"Yeah, it's me, Gee. We're in the hospital. You're gonna be just fine."

"Why are we..?"

"It's gonna be okay. You'll be okay."

"But I'm fine..." I felt a sharp poke on my arm and tensed. I was finally able to open my eyes, only to be blinded by ceiling lights. I was able to move my head to look to my side, where I found Frank, clutching my hand. Tears began to spill out of the corners of his eyes as he kissed my hand.

"Thank God, you're okay."

"Of course I am. What happened?" I saw a nurse walk over, a syringe in hand. She gave me a shot, and I yelped in protest. I made an attempt at sitting up, only to realize I had multiple tubes and such jammed into my arms.

"W-what's going on?" My thought went back to the failing body laying on the hospital bed, one that had been destroyed by alcohol. Frank's gripped tightened as I felt my heart speed up. I was not going to end up like him. The nurse practically threw Frank out of the room as Frank's dad entered, wearing a doctor's scrubs.

"Gerard, I'm going to need you to calm down."

"C-calm down? Calm down?! You were the one that put me here, weren't you?!"

"Gerard, please, just try to."

"No, get me out! I don't want to be here!"

"You have to be here. Being here is currently what's pulling you away from death."

"Death? You want to talk to me about death? I will not die to a cold."

"You might, if you leave. This cold absolutely destroyed your immune system. It would be irresponsible of me to let you out of the hospital now."

"Let. Me. Go."

"Please, Gerard. I couldn't save your father. Let me save you." I paused, taking in what he had said.

"That was you?" He nodded and began to check on the multiple things he had jammed into my arms.

"Is this why you wanted to know if I was a Way?"

"Yeah. I wanted to talk to you, about your dad. But, by the time I learned where you were, I had to go overseas. I just got back. I'm sorry about your father, Gerard."

"It's fine, he got what was coming to him."

"You mean, you aren't upset? That I hadn't been able to save him?"

"He was a shitty parent. It's not your fault he had decided to waste his life with beer." Mr.Iero nodded as he continued to check the various tubes.

"What does half this stuff do anyway?" He began to explain what all the different things did. As his explanation was coming to a close, Frank poked his head inside.

"Uh, hey, Dad? I was wondering if I could see Gerard again?"

"Oh, of course. I'll leave you two alone. Gerard, if you need anything, just tell the nurse." I nodded and Mr.Iero left. Frank walked further into the room and sat down in a chair that was next to the hospital bed.

"You aren't upset?"

"Why would I be upset?"

"Because I never told you how bad it had gotten."

"Truthfully, I'm just glad you aren't dead. I can't believe I hadn't realized sooner." I let out a weak laugh that slowly turned into coughing. Frank took my hand and held it until the coughs ended.

"How are you still here? I could get you sick."

"It's fine if you get me sick. I don't care."

"You should."


"Yeah. You need to be selfish sometimes." Frank leaned forward and gently kissed my forehead.

"What was that for?"

"Well, you're the best boyfriend ever. So, why should I be selfish when I have to take care of you? I also wanted to kiss you before they stick you in an oxygen mask." I laughed again, managing for it to not devolve into hacking coughs.

"Is that true?"

"You know it is."

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