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1 week later

My head snapped up at the sound of harsh knocking at the front door. I heard my mom curse following a shout from the people at the door. I could barely hear what they were saying. I heard my mom yell something and the stomping of boots come down the hall. My door was thrown open, and a man in a police uniform was standing behind it. He looked down at me in surprise and knelt down in front of me. He took the gag out of my mouth and began to work on the rope that had tied me to my bed.

"What's your name?"


"How long have you been here?"

"A w-week."

"Right here in this spot? Not able to move?"

"N-no sir." He nodded slightly and finished untying me and helped me stand up. He practically had to carry me out to the cop car. Another cop was in the seat next to the one I was set in. He pulled out a notepad and began to ask me questions. After we finished, he asked me where my brother was.

"He's a-at a friend's h-house."

"And where is this house?" We began to drive and I pointed out where to go. Within minutes, we were stopped in front of Frank's house. I threw myself out of the car, eager to see Frank again. I ran up and knocked on the door, which was opened by none other than Frank himself. His eyes widened as he took in my even skinnier frame, and even the fact that I was standing there, though I was shaking. It didn't take him long to squeeze me into a hug. He gave a thumbs up to the officers who were still waiting by their car and helped me inside. I was immediately bombarded by the Ieros and Mikey. The officers had walked up to the door and were now talking to Frank's parents. Frank hugged me tightly and fit his head into my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry. They wouldn't listen to us whenever we would call and I couldn't save you the first time and I'm so, so sorry, Gerard. I'll never let it happen again."

"It's okay, Frankie. I'm fine, really." I watched the officers say goodbye to the Ieros and they walked over to me. Frank snuggled into my shoulder and we laid down on the couch. Mr.Iero brought over some kind of smoothie and told me to drink it, which I didn't question. After I finished the drink, I snuggled closer to Frank and yawned into his shoulder. I mumbled a goodnight just as I drifted off to sleep.

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