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I watched Bert as he walked down the hall. Frank pulled on my arm and escorted me to class.

"What's gotten into you?"

"He said you were being targeted, right? I'm not gonna let you get hurt."

"Oh, Frank. I'll be fine." Frank shook his head as we entered Mr.Quinn's room. I rubbed at my eyes as Frank led me to my desk. He eyed the other students as Mr.Quinn began attendance. After that, he handed out the classwork and started a lecture. Frank kept looking up at every little noise, I knew because I could hear the same noises. He also stared at me instead of paying attention. On the way to Music, I got held up by one of Bert's old friends. He leaned on my locker door, causing it to close while my hand was still inside. I barely managed to pull my hand out as the door slammed shut. He leaned down, towering over me. I resisted the urge to shrink back in fear, that would only give him the feeling of superiority. He smiled down at me, the same smile my dad used to get when he knew I was in trouble, when he knew he could dish out punishment. Before I knew it, I was starting to panic. Not because I was about to get absolutly recked, but because of the similarities between the bully and my father. I ducked under the first punch, only to get hit in the stomach instead. I crumpled to the ground, which only led my attacker to begin to kick me. I was vaguely aware of Frank running towards me as the blows kept coming. I was yanked to my feet and slammed into the line of lockers. The bully dragged me by the hood of my sweater down the hall. He opened one of the lockers and shoved me in, clicking the lock back into place. I was too dazed to call out for help as I watched him stalk away. Frank's face popped into view. He started banging on the door, and then began to fiddle with the lock.

"I'll be right back!" He ran down the hall, his sneakers squeaking on the floor as he turned the corner. He came back a few minutes later, one of the janitors walking behind him. The janitor fiddled with the lock for a few minutes before I heard it click open. I fell out of the locker, Frank catching me before I hit the ground.

"Let's get you to the nurse." I dug my nails into Frank's arm, struggling to support the weight of my own body. I growled as I tried to take a step.

"No. No nurse. Bathroom." I growled again as Frank switched directions, heading towards the bathroom. I licked my now sharp teeth, which were covered in blood from my split lip. I always hated it when I did werewolf stuff during the day. Frank carried me into one of the stalls and shut the door behind him.

"Dude, your eyes are doing the slit thing." I smiled at Frank, grimacing as pain flared up at my split lip. His eyes went wide with shock as he saw that my canines had become fangs.

"Don't tell me you're... werewolf-ing."

"Only this much. It's really annoying. It happens when I get, like, really beat up." Frank nodded as we sat on the floor. I eventually pulled myself up, leaving the bathroom.

"Dude, you're still like, half-werewolf. What're you doing?"

"Going to class." I walked down the hall and stopped at my locker. Frank followed behind me, a worried look on his face. I dug out a pair of sunglasses and put them on before digging around for my music folder. I pulled it out of my bag, then turned down the hallway. We walked into Music just as one of the songs was finishing up. Mikey stared at me as I pulled my sax out of the corner. I sat down next to the other sax players and began to set up. Frank got Pansy out of the corner and took his seat next to Mikey. I licked the blood out of my split lip as I stuck my reed in my mouth. The sensitive wound flared with pain as I struggled with my mouthpiece. I was ready by the time the next song began. Mr.Ross eventually saw my cut lip and asked what had happened. After I told him, he demanded that I go to the nurse. I sighed and set my sax down, standing up and leaving the room. I could feel Frank's eyes on me as I left the room.

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