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I sat in my seat in seventh hour, mindlessly doodling. The teacher, Mr.Wentz, called on me to answer one of the question. I stared at the jumble of letters and numbers that adorned the whiteboard.

"I don't know."

"That's okay. Uh... Kenzy, do you..." I spaced out again and looked down at what I had drawn. It was absolute garbage compared to what Gerard could do, but I was improving. It had been a week since Dad had put Gerard into the hospital. He was supposed to be out tomorrow, along with a fuck ton of meds and such. He was still going to be pretty sick, so he wouldn't be at school.

"Frank." I snapped to attention as Mr.Wentz pulled his fingers away from my face.

"Why aren't you focused?"

"Oh, uh, Gerard gets out of the hospital tomorrow. I'm just, like, really nervous." Mr.Wentz's expression softened slightly.

"Well, go to the office. You can probably get Mr.Stump to take you to the hospital. Tell him Pete sent you." I nodded and thanked the teacher before beginning to pack up. I went up to the front office and told Mr.Urie that I was going back to the nurse. He gave me a thumbs up before he looked back down at his computer. I knocked on the door before pushing it open. Mr.Stump looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey, Frank. What can I help you with?"

"Oh, uh, Mr.Wentz said you could probably take me to the hospital?"

"Why do you want to go?"

"Uh, Gerard's there and I want to say hi."

"Sure thing, go wait outside." A red car pulled up and I recognized it as my dad's. I got into the passenger seat after I had tossed my backpack into the trunk. We didn't say much as we drove to the hospital. On our way there, Dad pulled up to a Walgreen's. He handed me a ten dollar bill.

"What's this for?"

"Go get him some flowers or something." I smiled and climbed out of the car. I entered the store and found the aisle with a bunch of flower arrangements. I picked one out and went to the candy aisle. I found a bag of coffee flavoured M&Ms before heading to the register.

"Got a special someone?"

"Yeah. You could say that."

"What's the occasion?"

"Oh, uh, he's in the hospital."

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I hope he gets better." I thanked the cashier and tipped them an extra dollar and left the store. I sat down in the passenger seat and buckled my seat belt as Dad began to drive again. When we arrived at the hospital, my dad led me inside. He walked with me to Gerard's room. He said he would come get me tomorrow when he picks up Gerard. I nodded and carried the flowers into the room. Gerard looked up from whatever book he was reading and smiled. I set the flowers down on the side table before hugging Gerard. He laughed as I gave him the bag of M&Ms. He sat up, crossing his legs. He still had a tube sticking out of his arm, along with a oxygen mask strapped to his face. He looked a lot better than he did last week. His skin was holding colour and his hair looked less greasy.

"Well, I'm glad you're looking better."

"Yeah. Even so, I can't wait 'till they take out this tube tomorrow. Do you know how hard it is to do anything with this in your arm?" Gerard gestured to the tube that was stuck in his arm as I laughed.

"So, when do you get the oxygen mask off?"

"Tomorrow. I finally get to breathe something other than straight up oxygen for the first time in a while. I've almost forgotten what the world smells like."

"It smells the same as it did last week." Gerard laughed, though it was muffled by his oxygen mask.

"I can't wait until I can hear you clearly. That mask is getting pretty hard to hear you through."

"No kisses?"

"All the kisses you'll ever need." We talked a bit, and I finally remembered something Mikey had told me.

"Hey, Gee, guess what?"


"I think Mikey has a crush on someone."

"Oh, do tell."

"Okay, so, you know our math teacher, Mr.Wentz? Did you know he has a kid?"

"No, really?"


"And Mikey has a crush on him?"

"I think so. They're always texting each other. I think they went to the movies last night." Gerard clapped in delight.

"Okay, this is gonna be great."

"But wait, there's more."

"How can there be more?"

"Y'know the nurse?"


"Yeah, he also has a kid. His kid's the best third wheel in the world. He's already coming up with plots to get the two together."

"I need to meet him. We can plot together. What's his name?"

"Patrick. And Mikey's crush is named Pete. Apparently he's the third Pete in his family."

"Wow. Okay, when I get back into school, you have to introduce me to Patrick."

"Oh, I will. Also, did you know Brendon is trying to start a band club thing?"

"Really? You mean Mr.Urie's kid?"

"Yeah, he's doing it with Dallon and Ryan. Along with some other kid who doesn't go to this school."

"Wow, the world of staff kids is getting crazy." I nodded as one of the nurses came in.

"Mr.Way, we've been given clearance to remove your oxygen mask. Do you think you're ready?" Gerard nodded eagerly and leaned forward. The nurse gently slid the mask off Gerard's head and began to type something into a computer. Gerard took a deep breath and smiled. I could tell he was happy just by looking at him. He thanked the nurse and turned his attention back to me.

"I can smell your cologne from here. Is it a new scent?"

"Oh, uh, yeah. Mikey said you would like it."

"Well, Mikey was right." Gerard and I talked for a bit, until another nurse came back and announced that it was lights out. I fell asleep in the chair, still holding Gerard's hand.

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