Jasper's voice was like waiting for a rain storm during a drought. You got excited when the clouds got grey hoping the skies would open and unleash the quench to your thirst. Even a cool breeze was a tease. And every time Jasper opened his mouth it...
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It took her hours. Hours to get ready. She had ridden to work with me and practically went to every shopping store there was. Every now and then I would see her running past the book store with her and her friends shopping bags adding to there hands.
Paris Hilton
I chuckled thinking of Fawn's words.
Kinsley was a rich girl. She liked expensive things, knew expensive people, and lived a life more fortunate than others. Yet, that didn't mean unfortunate things never happened to her.
I assumed that was why she did it. Why she was always so put together. Never a hair out a place, heels that she never stumbled in. Posture so straight, I questioned if it hurt being so perfect. To look so put together you would think it was impossible for her to broken.
The Rich Girl and her Poor Unfortunate Soul.
I was poor. And some way we both were. Needful of things we never had. Whether it be money or... Love. Impoverished and damaged. Alike and unlike. Yet, similarities didn't make us equal. At the end of the day, she would ride off in the sunset with someone that matched her disguise of perfection. Finn?... No.
Maybe Lucas perhaps.
At the end of the day, I understood the fantasy of getting the girl that could have everything. I'd seen the Notebook. Knew of the stories of the Rich Girl and Poor Boy. But they were just stories. Romantic Fiction, that I didn't bother getting my hopes up for. Even though I knew the harsh reality. It didn't stop me from falling deeper and deeper for Kinsley Pines.
" Are you vision impaired to?" My eyebrows raised in confusion. Gurney. He sat in front of me slouched on the couch waiting for Kinsley to be done getting ready. He didn't try to initiate the conversation when he first arrived it was a simple "Hey" and we had just watched the TV as we waited.
" You keep squinting at the Tv." He continued
" I'm reading there lips." I stated
" But you can't because your blind too." Gurney said more like a statement than a question.
" I'm not Helen Keller." I replied.
" What about Stevie Wonder?" He asked
" He's blind." I stated
" And you are not?"
He can't be serious.
" I'm deaf."
He shrugged in disbelief. " You don't look deaf."
" But I look blind?"
Gurney smirked enjoying the topic. He positioned himself on the couch, I sat across from him. Gurney leaned in closer with squinted eyes.