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Quick disclaimer—this is not the same universe or storyline or anything as my other story "the shadows of the cave." Herobrine still isn't evil, but he isn't married, he doesn't have kids, he wasn't banished, etc.
Thanks for understanding!
Trinity, sword in hand, hunted as she walked to school. Her intelligence was a curse to her. It always brought unwanted attention to her, which was the last thing she wanted in her stressful life.

She stopped by a pond to wash blood of the tip of the iron blade and heard footsteps in the bushes behind her.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" Trinity yelled into the lonely abyss of the forest. "I'm just a schoolgirl passing by, I'm sorry if I'm trespassing!"

A boy's voice answered. "I'm nobody. Just passing by." His voice was low, but had a hint of bittersweetness to it. The kind of voice a neglected boy would have.

Trinity was suspicious. "Then show yourself!"

"I wouldn't want to scare 'just a schoolgirl'" the voice said. "And believe me, I would. You said you were just passing by. So go." Trinity noticed his voice sounded younger than she thought. Maybe about 15, Trinity's age.

Trinity picked up her sword and bolted away after giving a quick nod.

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