Nameless Boy

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Trinity's suspicions were soon confirmed; a creeper and spider crawled out of the darkness.

Trinity tried to move, but pain restricted her, chained her up into stiffness.

She called for help but was answered only with her own echo and a hiss from the creeper.

At that point, Trinity gave up. She couldn't move and knew she would die.

But as the spider was about to pounce on her and the creeper was growing and flashing, they both flew against the wall of the cave and the creeper exploded, killing the spider and not injuring Trinity.

Her eyes blurred with tears. She was so frightened and alone. She called out again and this time was answered.

"Help me, please! I can't move!" She called.

"Haven't I already?" A familiar voice echoed through the room.

"It's you! That boy I never saw!" Trinity called back. "Show yourself."

"As I said, I'm quite frightening."

"Fine but at least tell me your name."


"Then I'll call you Nameless Boy."

"Fine with me."

They stayed silent, and Trinity could hear footsteps moving in the darkness over the ringing in her head from the explosion's noise.

"I can't move," she said at last.

"I know. I can see you. I watched it happen, and I killed that boy and his teammates," Nameless Boy said almost too casually.

"No wonder you look frightening! You make it sound like it's an every day thing to kill!" Trinity snapped. Angry tears formed in her eyes. "He didn't deserve that!"

"He left you to DIE!!" Nameless Boy's voice filled the cave and echoed into silence. "The cost would've been death anyway."

"How old are you?" Trinity said, with a lower voice.

Nameless Boy laughed. "I'm 18. Well, I'm frozen in age but the age I'm stuck in is 18."

"How old are you?" Trinity repeated.

Nameless Boy sighed. "392 years and counting, here till I'm killed with my..." his voice went too quiet for Trinity to hear, but she made out the word "eyes."

"What was that?"


"Can you get me out?"


"Can you-"

"Can you stop asking questions?"

Trinity ignored him and continued harshly. "Can you get me home now?"

The boy was startled at her sharp voice. "No. You are too hurt to be moved even with my...ability."

Trinity was starving. "I need to eat." All of a sudden, the hunger went away.

"I got it taken care of."

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