The Broken Window

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Brian stayed at Trinity's house that night. He knew it was too dangerous for her to be alone.

Trinity begged Brian to get to sleep, but he stayed out all night, pacing around the house with a torch and a sword in his hand.

Brian fell asleep at sunrise. But it was dark enough for Notch.

A window pane broke and guards surrounded the house. Brian scrambled to his feet with his sword and ran inside to help Trinity.

But he was too late.

Brian looked in each room for her, but there was no trace of her.

He hurried to a window and saw Notch on a horse with Trinity riding away.

Brian cursed under his breath and blinked away the forming tears. He screamed and yelled and grieved.

Picking up Trinity's diamond sword, Brian ran out the door and teleported to Notch's city.

It was full of activity, and hundreds of people were walking in the streets. Brian turned invisible and teleported to the roof of a shop.

Brian saw Notch's mansion in the distance, but knew it was too far to teleport to. He was too low on energy to go that far.

He climbed down the stone brick wall of the shop he was on and made his way through the crowd.

Brian had traveled at least ten miles before he rested in a stable. He bought two horses—one for Brian and one for Trinity—and was back on his way, holding the horses with a lead.

A few more miles were covered before dark, and Brian hadn't eaten all day. The streets were much clearer than before, and Brian fell asleep on the back of the horse at midnight.

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