Final Mile

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(A.N. Sorry, short chapter again)
The horses' energy—and Brian's—had been restored overnight, but Brian was worried about Trinity. He couldn't get the thought out of her mind that he wouldn't be able to get back to her.

Notch's mansion wasn't too far away; it was a mile or so away. Brian rode the last mile and led what was to be Trinity's horse behind him.

When he approached the mansion and saw the guards, Brian knew he couldn't fight them off—there were far too many—and he thought of a plan.

While he looked around, he saw Trinity through a window and she was crying.

Brian knew he had to hurry.

He turned invisible and snuck through the many guards and went into the mansion through a window.

It was sunset by the time he got inside—it had taken awhile to sneak through the guards—and he heard Trinity arguing with Notch through the locked door of the dining room.

Brian teleported inside and, still invisible, covered Notch's mouth.

"I need you to sbei cofjrke," Notch's voice was muffled and he pried off Brian's hand then screamed.

Brian became visible and Trinity's face lit up.

Notch was defenseless and confused and Brian backed him into a corner.

Guards rushed in and pulled Herobrine away and knocked him out with the handle of a sword.

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