Flame of Notch

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(A.N. This is a short chapter, sorry!)
Brian escorted Trinity to school, where she needed to go to drop out.

The lady with the glasses looked sad. "It's a real shame," she squeaked. "A girl with all that brain is dropping out. I can't believe it. And who is this boy, Trinity?"

They blushed and looked at each other, then laughed. "We just met yesterday," Trinity said.

The glasses lady nodded. "Well I'll inform your teacher of you leaving. We will all miss you."

Brian waited as Trinity filled out a form and signed it. They walked to her house together, hand-in-hand.

Trinity fell silent as they reached her home. It was burning. She cried and ran to her house, but Brian stayed calm. While Trinity sobbed, he doused the fire like a candle and the house's destruction seemed to rewind.

"Who is behind this?" Brian said through gritted teeth. "Maybe it's Notch..."

"What? Notch?" Trinity said. "But he's the high king! Why would he light my house on fire?"

"Because you're with me," Brian began. "He always steals my lady friends, or tries to. Well, only the beautiful ones," Brian started to speak again but was interrupted.

"Are you calling me pretty, mister Nameless Boy?" Trinity teased.

Brian ignored her. "I have to protect you. He is trying to steal you."

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