The Twelfth Room to the Left

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Herobrine went in every room and there was nothing until the twelfth room. There she was, sobbing on a bed all alone.

"Trin? That you?" Herobrine called.

Trinity looked at him and her eyes were flashing on and off. Herobrine gasped and ran to her. That wasn't supposed to happen.

"What's happening to me?" She sobbed. "Why does it hurt so much?"

"Was there a command block? A tan colored block with a bunch of buttons on it?" Herobrine asked as he embraced Trinity.

She nodded, still crying. "Notch- I mean Drake said he would..." Trinity paused and whispered in Herobrine's ear what Drake did.

"Where is the block?!" He yelled. Trinity pointed to beside the bed and Herobrine went to the block to undo the command but Drake appeared and destroyed it with an enchanted diamond pickaxe.

He smiled smugly and Herobrine literally wiped the smile off his face with a hard slap.

Drake stumbled back and Herobrine's hands started glowing with electricity buzzing around them. Drake gave three blows, all of which barely affected Herobrine.

Herobrine struck back with eight punches which electrocuted Drake every time. Drake fell and Herobrine picked him right back up.

"You shouldn't have used a command like that on a fifteen-year-old girl!" Herobrine yelled and punched Drake one last time.

The evil man died in that room. Herobrine embraced Trinity again and told her it would be ok. He picked her up bridal-style and turned around. Notch stood in the doorway, speechless.

"Where did you learn to do that zappy-thingy?!" Notch exclaimed. "That was awesome!"

Herobrine didn't say anything back and Notch stayed quiet.

They walked outside the mansion and stood on the patio. "What did Drake do to her?" Notch asked. "Her eyes are flickering and she something bad is happening."

Herobrine kissed Trinity's forehead. "He used a command on a command block to..." he paused and looked at Trinity. His voice went quieter. "She's going to have a baby."

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