Veiled Eyes

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Notch stood in a black suit under a wedding arch. The red carpet was blood-colored and made him think of Brian's head in the basket under the guillotine.

The clean whiteness of Trinity's dress contrasted from the orange and pink sky, the red carpet, and green surroundings. Notch flipped the lever for the noteblocks to play "Here Comes the Bride" and Trinity walked slowly towards the alter and Brian sent a stream of power towards her.

Trinity inhaled the power and her eyes turned white. She turned to Brian and he winked at her and she turned back to Notch, the veil covering her eyes.

She arrived at the arch and the music cut off. Trinity listened to Notch's vows and said hers.

"Do you, Notch, take Trinity as your bride to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" Asked the priest.

"I do," said Notch.

"And do you, Trinity, take Notch as your husband, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" Asked the priest again.

Trinity smiled. "I do."

"You may kiss the bride."

Notch lifted the veil from Trinity's face and was shocked to see her grin and her white, glowing eyes. "What is this?!" He yelled.

"This is my power," Trinity said. She forced Notch into the air with blue mist magic and held him by the throat.

With her other hand, she freed Brian and while he stood up, a guard knocked him out and did the same to Trinity.

Trinity awoke in a bed with Notch glaring at her from the foot of the bed. "I have you on a potion," he smirked. "You can't use any magic. Plus, you are my wife. You said 'I do.'"

Crap she thought. I thought he would die so I said it! Crap crap crap!

Notch paced beside her. "I've locked up your love. I figured you should still be able to see him die."

"You're a monster," Trinity growled.

"I'm more human than either of you," Notch argued. "You're the monster."

Trinity punched his nose. "You can die for all I care!"

Notch wiped the blood from his split lip. "You... you little... you will watch Brian die then as soon as you come of age and bare me an heir I'll kill you!"

Trinity stayed silent. She had three years before she came of age for a legal heir to be born of her. She had enough time to escape.

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