Fire Like Peace

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Trinity fell asleep soon, exhausted and in agonizing pain.

In her sleep, she heard footsteps coming closer and then a gentle kiss on her forehead, but she was too tired to open her eyes.

"Wake up," the boy's voice echoed. "I've completed healing you."

Trinity opened her eyes, which were blurred with exhaustion. The blurred figure of a boy stood above her. He was wearing a blue t-shirt and baggy jeans with boots. He had dark, tanned skin and a scar down his cheek. He also had a scar over an eye and down his arm.

His eyes, they were white. And was blurry vision or were they glowing? Trinity stayed silent until her eyes cleared up. "Your eyes."

Nameless Boy nodded. "I'm Brian."

"Well you saved me so I'd call you Hero-Brian. Hero...." she thought for a bit. "Herobrine?"

"I'd prefer Brian," he said with a matter-of-fact tone.

Trinity nodded. "Well can I go home now?"

"I suppose so. Goodbye."

Trinity stood up to walk home but found herself standing in her rustic living room. Alone.

Trinity didn't feel like going to school any longer. She didn't need it; this was a life of survival, not city-living with easy luxury.

So she turned around to go to school and drop out, but saw a chest in front of the door. She opened it and found a diamond, fire-aspect II sword and a note.

"Dear Trinity,
You are more amazing than you know. I think you deserve this sword more than anybody. I got it inscribed for you. I'm sure you will amount to something amazing. Just stay safe. I love you, and I have been watching you grow and I have been keeping you safe.
<3 N.B."

Trinity picked the sword back up and turned it over. There was a tiny inscription written on the blade. "Fire Like Peace."

Trinity brought the sword with her on the hour walk to school, and thought about who N.B. was.

Then it came to her. Nameless Boy. Brian gave her the sword.

Trinity stopped for a drink of water from a pond and saw in the distance a jungle temple. She cautiously walked up the steps and turned the doorknob before pushing the door open.

It was very dusty, and Trinity couldn't help but cough.

After the dust settled, she saw the dead body of somebody pinned against the stone wall with arrows covering their side.

She shuddered at the sight, and was careful walking through that area.

Trinity was almost killed by the piercing arrows that flew at her, but she dodged them all.

Then there was an inscription on the wall in front of her. Each phrase had a lever underneath it.

Trinity couldn't quite read the phrases; they were covered in dust. She brushed the dust away from the first phrase and coughed.

"No person's treasure," She read aloud to nobody. She brushed the dust away from the next. "Potions of witches." She brushed the final one's dust away and heard an arrow pierce through the air behind her. Trinity spun around and saw the arrow disintegrate.

"Brian?" She called. "Brain? Is that a you?" No reply. Trinity shrugged and read the final phrase. She froze. "Fire like peace..." she whispered to herself.

Trinity grasped that lever and pulled it down, getting ready to run in case anything happened. A doorway opened next to her and behind it was a fire surrounded by diamonds and gold.

"Did you like my gift?" Trinity heard behind her. She spun around and saw Brian standing there with his hands in his pockets. Trinity was silent but hugged him. He didn't resist and he hugged her back. "Did you?"

Trinity nodded. "It's the most I've ever owned. Why did you do this?" Then she remembered what the note said and blushed. "Did you mean what you said?"

Brian's face turned red and he stayed quiet.

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