Only For Seven Years

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It had been a year and Trinity's baby was a handful like most. Trinity was almost always tired and Hero was in charge of supporting them and the house. He made weekly trips to Notch to visit and catch up.

Trinity had named the baby Jade for her glowing blue-green eyes. Jade was crying and Trinity rocked her to sleep.

Hero opened the door to the cottage and kissed Trinity. "Listen, Trinity, I love Jade-"


"But she is hard to take care of. Maybe just until she is a few years older, seven or so, you could send her to Notch. He has maids and it's not like you can't visit her."

Trinity's eyebrows pointed downwards then relaxed and she started crying. "I know I just love her and if she went there and knew she was mine then she would be sad about not living here. What if she thinks I don't want her?"

Hero wiped a tear from her cheek. "It's your decision."

She nodded. "But you're right. I'll send her to Notch for a few years then get her back."

A breeze blew around Hero and Trinity as they rode to town with Jade.

"Hello," Notch greeted them. "Aw wittle Jade is here! Coochie-coochie-coo!" He cleared his throat. "Sorry. Why have you come?"

Trinity silently handed Jade to Notch and started crying quiet tears. She hugged him. "I know it's unexpected but we need you to take her just for..." she paused. "Just seven years."

Notch nodded. "Don't you two worry, now. She is in safe hands. You can get your daughter in seven years."

Hero and Trinity thanked him and rode off. Though it was early-about 7:00 PM-they both went to bed, holding hands and crying.

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