Luxury Prison

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The mansion was beautiful. It had windows everywhere that looked out upon the beach, the city, and the desert.

The walls were dark oak wood from the neighboring forest, this forest Trinity did not know. The ceiling was arched, black clay with oak support beams.

Trinity would have loved this house if it wasn't her prison. Notch was holding her forearm tightly, his fingernails digging into her arm.

"Let me go you little—" Trinity yelled at Notch.

"Tut, tut, tut," Notch hushed, mockingly. "Is that any way to speak to your new husband and old king?"

"I'M FIFTEEN YEARS OLD AND YOU'RE AT LEAST FIFTY!" Trinity screamed as she struggled to get away from his grasp.

"No, I am 48, but that is nothing close to the one who was, shall we say," Notch paused. "Ancient?"

Trinity dug her fingernails into Notch's arm with her free hand and he pulled back.

Trinity dashed away but guards blocked her path and Notch grabbed her again, harder than before. "Tut, tut, tut," he said again. "You are quite difficult."

"Brian is not just ancient he is technically still 18 and he always will be!" Trinity yelled.

"You admit he is old?"

"I admit he is only old to some who decide that," she said through gritted teeth.

Notch shoved her into a bedroom and locked the balcony doors, then left, slammed the door, and locked it.

Trinity screamed into the pillow in anger and fear and fell silent, shaking. Notch stood outside the door, listening to his prize.

"She will come to me tonight for dinner," Notch said to Trinity's guards. "Not. Optional."

That night, Trinity was shoved into the dining room and locked in with Notch, who was smirking at Trinity the whole time.

"You pig," Trinity scowled. "You're too scared to find a wife so you steal us!"

"It has proven quite helpful," Notch argued. "I've got a few heirs to the throne who's mother has left me."

"And how did you receive her?"

"The same way I got you."

"You didn't get me."

"Excuse me?

"I know Brian is coming."

"Suuuuuuure he is," Notch mocked. "I have ten rows of guards surrounding my house and plenty inside. I have defenses galore and nobody can get in."

"Not even ones that can teleport?"

Notch paused. He stared at Trinity. "He can't."

"It's how I got home."

"HE CANNOT TELEPORT AND SHUT UP!" Notch screamed at Trinity.

"Tut, tut, tut," Trinity mocked. "Is that any way to speak to your 'new wife'"

Notch scowled and brought her to the roof of the mansion. "You had better be careful of what you say or I can throw you down this roof, which is eighty-nine blocks high."

"And lose your prize," Trinity added. "That is a greeeaaaat plan."

Notch brought Trinity back to her room and locked her up in silence while she held a smug look on her face.

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