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Trinity finally arrived at school, early as usual. She dropped down her backpack by her desk and pulled up her hood, then placed her headphones over her ears and played her music.

Yes, she was the laziest in her class, but she was the smartest. She had learned what was being taught years ago; it happens when you live alone and can't ask for help.

Soon, the other students started arriving. When Trinity's friend Robin came in, she smiled. Seeing Robin was the only thing that gave her much joy.

"Hey Tri-tea!" Robin said. Trinity hated that nickname, and hated tea, but smiled all the same.


Trinity played with her pink-streaked hair and pulled down her hoodie to cover her eyes.

At last, all the seats were filled and the teacher began the class. "Hello students, I hope you had a wonderful weekend!" Mrs. Crobble always started Mondays with that same sentence. "Please put your homework into the turn-in box." That was a change, her saying "please."

Trinity knew the drill after 163 days of Mrs. Crobble, and had already started to the box.

She slumped back into her chair and turned up the music as the teacher rambled on about pi and area and "proper English" and the heart's function.

All stuff Trinity had learned already.

The lunch bell rang after what had seemed like years of music and boring Mrs. Crobble, who's voice had the variety and enthusiasm of a text-to-speech bot.

Trinity took out the steaks and chicken that she had got on the way to school. Robin slid into the seat next to her. "'Ello, Tri-tea!" Robin giggled. "That Dan sure is a cheeky bugger, i'nt 'e?" She said in a British accent.

Trinity forced a smile and gave Robin some of her food, joking about how it was like feeding a baby bird because of her name. Robin rolled her eyes and Trinity then proceeded to pull down her hoodie and blush as Dan walked by with his tray of food.

Robin elbowed Trinity and hummed "Dan and Tri-tea sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First come love, then come marriage—" then comes Trinity's hand over Robin's mouth.

Robin stopped humming.

"I don't like him, I hate him!" Trinity said. "It's just that he winked at me!"

Robin gave a cheeky look at Trinity, then was grabbed by the collar and shoved to the ground by Patrick.

Trinity shoved Patrick away and signaled for Robin to run. Patrick threw a punch at Trinity, but she caught it and kicked him in the gut. "Back off, jerk!"

Patrick glared at Trinity. "Oh, really, Smart-Tart?"

"Call me that one more time, I dare you," Trinity growled through gritted teeth.

"Ok, calm down..." Patrick paused and smirked. "Smart-Tart."

Trinity kicked him again and held Patrick by his shirt's collar. "I warned you once."

Patrick stomped off in defeat and the dismissal bell rung.

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