Kiss of Freedom

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Notch made Trinity sleep in the same bed as him, but left her alone. Notch made Trinity help the maids cook and clean like a housewife.

Trinity was allowed to go anywhere in the mansion she wanted except for the dungeon or Notch's private study.

She had no curfew and therefore stayed up late at night in the library, reading about escapes and kidnappings and laws.

"It is illegal to force your spouse to stay on the property at all times," she read and wrote it down in her secret notebook. "The king's child is not an heir unless the woman who bore the child was 18 or above when she got pregnant," she knew that already, but wrote it down as well. Trinity yawned and walked to the kitchen for a snack.

She passed the dungeon entrance on the way and saw a guard asleep with the keys. She carefully stole the keys and snuck inside. Thank goodness I'm wearing a black gown today.

She saw a white glow from around the corner and hurried to that cell.

"Brian?" Trinity whispered.

Brian kept looking down. "You're still his wife. You should have just killed him right then and there. If it was me it would have different."

Trinity wiped her still glowing eyes. "I'm sorry, Brian. I was tryna kill him but I didn't know how hard to press I just..."

Brian grabbed her through the prison bars and pressed his lips against hers.

Trinity pulled back, shocked, but then kissed him deeply and didn't stop until she heard a voice behind her.

"Am I interrupting you two?" Notch boomed. "Come here, wife. Now."

Trinity secretly handed the keys to Brian and walked to Notch, who was keeping his composure.

Notch grabbed Trinity's face and turned it towards him. "Now, listen. If you are kissing anybody it would be me. Are we understood?" Trinity nodded. "Good. Now as punishment you must kiss me exactly like you did to him."

Trinity shook her head and he slapped her. Hard. That was what he would regret.

The door of Brian's cell creaked open and he stepped out. "You touch her one more time and it's the end of the line for you."

Notch laughed but saw the anger in his eyes and fell silent. "You wouldn't."

Brian glared at Notch and the message was received that he definitely would.

"Trinity was right," Brian began. "My name, it's not Brian. That day we talked in the cave she knew my name. I was born a Hero-kind. They stop aging whenever they are decided to at the Trials of the Kin. I was born this way, but I made Trinity one and for that I am sorry," he turned to Trinity. "I am sorry but I had to. I am Herobrine."

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