Take it Down A "Notch"

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Notch was shoved against the wall by Herobrine's power and Trinity walked up to Herobrine.

Herobrine held her hand and walked to Notch. "By the way," he said in a menacing tone. "You should really watch where you put your cleverest and most dangerous prisoners."

Notch looked scared. "W-What?"

"Don't play dumb, Drake," Herobrine said. "I know what you did. You aren't Notch. The real one is right there." Herobrine pointed to the cell in front of his and Notch was in the corner.

Drake groaned. "Fine, you got me. But I got her."

Herobrine laughed. "Actually, no. 'Do you, Trinity, take Notch as your husband' et cetera, et cetera. Point is, she married Notch, not Drake."

Drake groaned again. "It doesn't matter who she married." He reached to his eyes and took out contacts to reveal pure white eyes. "I still have her."

"NO!" Herobrine yelled, but Drake had put his hand on her shoulder and teleported both of them away.

Herobrine collapsed in defeat. He yelled and turned to Notch.

"I'm proud of you," Notch said. "You deserve to get her back. I'll help you."

Herobrine let Notch out and thanked him. They split up and searched the house.

After an hour of looking around, they met up in "Kitchen #13" by "Study #6."

"Find anything?" Herobrine asked Notch.

"Yeah, a heat sensor thing," Notch replied. "I saw two heat signatures in the basement."

Herobrine ran to the basement door without hesitation. Locked.

He used his power to unlock it and rushed in. He heard footsteps and saw the trail of a black gown go through a doorway. "There!" He called.

Herobrine ran in front of Notch into a mirror maze. "Why is this in a basement?!" Notch yelled.

Herobrine shrugged. "It's your house." The anger got to him and he punched every mirror to pieces.

Notch applauded him when he was done. "Nice thinking!"


"We can find the exit now. You broke the mirrors."

Herobrine laughed nervously. "Oh yeah. I did that on purpose."

Notch nodded slowly and walked out. Herobrine followed. There was a long hallway with doors on every side. "I'll take right, you take left," Notch said.

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