A Child of a Child

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Herobrine remembered his horses and led them to the mansion.

"Good luck, Herobrine. Be careful out there. Drake isn't the only one who would kill you and anyone you love," Notch patted Herobrine's back."Bye then."

Herobrine nodded and then picked up Trinity. "Goodbye."

Herobrine put Trinity on a horse and  hopped on one himself. Trinity groaned and held her stomach.

"Hero?" Trinity groaned. "Is it different when commands are used?"

"Yes, Trin," Hero said. "It won't be very long. Maybe a month and a half."

She sighed. "It hurts. So much."

Hero stopped the horses and got off to walk to Trin. He kissed her and wiped her tears off her face. "You will be okay. It'll be fine."

She smiled at him and he got back on his horse. They rode off into the forest and by the time they had arrived at Trinity's cottage, she was already showing a slight baby bump.

Hero carried her inside the cottage and laid her on the couch. She fell asleep soon as the fireplace crackled and Herobrine watched silently over her to keep her safe.

Trinity yawned and all of a sudden jumped up and ran to the toilet.

Glitched pixels poured from her mouth and she hovered over the toilet as it fell in.

Hero held her pink-streaked hair back while she threw up and got her a towel to wipe her face.

Trinity hugged him and he kissed her and they gazed into each other's eyes.

"Hero?" Trinity asked


"I love you."


Trinity nodded. "Mhmm."

"Hmm," Hero paused and then grabbed her hip and kissed her. When they finished he hugged her. "Well Trinity, baby. I love you too."
Trinity's eyes flicked again and she fell, but Herobrine caught her and picked her up. "Come on, sweet lady of mine. You need rest."

Trinity relaxed in his arms and allowed him to tuck her in like a child. She'd never been tucked in before. It was nice to be loved.


Wood came tumbling down on top of Hero as he turned to leave the room and he dived out of the way. Outside, trees were glitching out of existence and one second there would be a pig and the next there was a chicken in its place.

"Not again!" Hero whined. "Last time this happened May was..."


The whole ceiling caved in on them and Hero hastily teleported the two out. He used his power to repair the house and keep it safe but, after putting Trinity in a safe tree, ran to Notch's kingdom for help.

He arrived and was sweating and panting like a dog. He had dived and dodged many branches and stones on the way. The city was in terror and Notch was helping people.

"Notch!" Hero called. "Notch! I know..." he panted. "I know that you're kind of busy here but..." he panted again. "But I need help. Since Trinity's-erhm-situation was brought about using commands then it could speed up any amount and she could-" Trinity's screaming could be heard all the way in the city.

The two men took off sprinting towards the tree and arrived about ten minutes later. Trinity was passed out, breathing fast, in obvious pain, and holding a baby.

Her child was crying and the tree glitched away. They fell out of the tree and Notch caught the baby as Herobrine caught Trinity.

She woke and cried. "I wish you didn't leave." She said between sobs.

"I'm sorry," Hero apologized. "I didn't know it would go quite as fast. I went for help." She nodded and hugged him tightly. "No fifteen-year-old should have to go through that, especially alone. I'm sorry."

The baby was being rocked in Notch's arms.

"Trin?" Notch called. "I'm sorry this is all going so fast but if you can't care for her then I can."

She shook her head. "I want her. I'm her mother. She deserves me."

Notch nodded. "Of course."

Trinity fainted and Hero brought her back inside and laid her back down as the world calmed down. Notch went home and Trinity's child lay asleep in Trinity's arms.

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