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The scene begins in many kids playing in front of a house.The one who sees this scenario admires as if any function is going on in the house.

He enters into the house as he wanted to meet a person there.A girl sees him and welcomes him.

Girl  :  Welcome sir😊

Man  :  Is there any function going on here?

Girl  :  No sir our ashram has more than 100 kids we all are here as relatives amd we celebrate every day as a festival.(May be dramatic but if there is trust and love among us every day will be a festival irrespective of rich or poor).
(The girl is revealed to be our heroine ragini)

Man  :  So you are working here??

Ragini  :  No sir i am one among them.

Man  :  Good😊.I came here to meet shekar ji.He asked me to meet him here.
(Shekar is the owner of this ashram.He is a big business man.A good hearted person.His family is Sharmishta(wife), his mom and dad and his only daughter Swara.His daughter is married to maheshwari family.More about her will be known when we see her character)

Ragini  :  Sir will arrive in a short time please wait here.

The man sits there enjoying the happy scenario of the ashram
The scene shifts to a big villa with a name plate "MAHESHWARI VILLA"

The first scenario we could see there is there is four ladies doing pooja.They are revealed to be anapoorna durgaprasad maheshwari, sujatha ramprasad maheshwari, parineeta adarsh maheshwari and swara sanskaar maheshwari.The men of the house are standing behind them.

A girl is shown coming towards them and is revales to be uttara (daughter of sujatha and ramprasad)

Now let's see what happens here

Dp  :  All the family members are assembled here except one where is he? Sanskaar!!!!!!(in a furious tone) you might have known where he is.

Sanskaar  :  Bade papa he is inside the house only he will come here within 5 minutes

Dp  :  Don't lie to me you can't.

Ap  :  (slowly) Hey ram!! I don't what is the problem that is going to arrive now.

Suji  :  (slowly) why jiji u don't worry our laksh won't sleep this much time

Ap  :  It would have been good if he had slept but i dont know what this boy is going to bring today.

Screen freezes on the tensed face of ap and happy face of ragin

Note  :  Thanky you so much for your votes , comments .It really means a lot to me.I tried my level best to fulfill your expectations.Do share your views either it may be positive or negative.

And once again thank you very much for ur support❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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