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The scene begins with ragini's wors and the shocked expression of all.

A voice comes from behind.

Voice  :  Is anyone there for this orphan girl????

Laksh  :  Dadi don't ever try to call her as orphan.

Ap  :  Yes she is our daughter.

Dadi thinks I don't know when this drama will get over. This ladki na I want everyone to drag her out of the house.

Shekar  :  Maa always please don't taunt Ragini. We left you with Rathna roght. Y did you leave her alone?

Dadi  :  Shekar did you forget we want to go to Mumbai tonight. Dida is not well. I have arranged a care taker for Rathna.

Shekar  :  Haan maa but in this situation how can we go to Mumbai?

Sharmishta  :  Haan maa shekar is right I will go to Mumbai. You both stay here.

Swara  :  No maa Dadi is right. How can you alone look after dida. You don't worry about here we will look after. I will arrange a caretajer for ashram too.

Shekar cups swaragini's face

Shekar  :  I don't how many days we need to stay there. You both stay safe.

The trio bids bye and leaves.

Ap  :  Ragini beta don't worry if your maa is alive we can surely find her.
Next day morning,

At raglak room,

Ragini does all the works thinking about something else

Laksh  :  Bachcha

Ragini  :  Haan laksh

Laksh  :  Bachcha see me

Laksh cups her face.

Laksh  :  I can understand you ragini. Don't worry nothing will happen with happen for Rathna maa and once she gets cured we can ask her about all the things.

Ragini nods her head😢😢😢😢😢😢

Laksh hugs her

At that time swasan enters. Both closes their eyes.

Swara  :  Laksh atleast close the door before

Sanskaar  :  doing romance.

They both part ways.

Laksh  :  Arey you both should have knocked the door before entering newly wedded couples room.

Sanskaar  :  Newly weded??

Laksh  :  Haan haan

Swaragini  :  😂😂😂😂😂

Swara  :  Ragini we both are here to inform that we both will be there with you in finding your maa.

Sanskaar  :  Haan ragini we promise you.

Ragini hugs Swara and cries.

The trio pacifies her

After some time all the men left for work. Ap , suji and pari left to a function only swaragini and uttara are at home.

When ragini is in the kitchen she hears some noise outside she goes out and sees who it is

She is shocked to see a lady

Swara and uttara to comes there.

Swara  :  Shall we know who are you.

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