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The scene starts with shocked face of swara.

Sanskaar comes from behind and touches her shoulder.

She shows the purse to Sanskaar.He is shocked too.

They discuss something which is muted.
Next day morning,

Swara calls ragini and asks her to be ready she will come and pick up her.Ragini nods.

Swara brings ragini to mm.

First ap and suji sees her.

Ap  :  Arey come inside beta.

Suji  :  Jiji this girl is soo beautiful.I can't take her eyes from her.

Ap  :  Yeah suji.

Ragini bends and takes aashirvaad from ap and suji

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Ragini bends and takes aashirvaad from ap and suji

Parineeta and uttara smiles seeing her.

Swara intoduces them to her.

Ap  :  Beta u r looking soo beautiful and swara has said a lot about you.

Suji : Yeah!!!😍😍😍😍

Dp,rp and aadarsh too comes there and she intoduces there

Suji  :  Arey where is this Sanskaar??

Swara  :  Maa Sanskaar and Laksh have gone for some work.They will be here only in the evening

Dp  :  I don't know what our devil is going to bring today.I pray to god that he shouldn't put sanskaar in any trouble.

All members of the family liked ragini very much. They spoke to her in a lovely way. Ragini too felt sooo good in such a big family.

After some time ragini and swara leave

Suji  :  Jiji I think so she will be perfect for our laksh. Her maturity will surely make our laksh a responsible guy

Dp  :  Do you think to spoil this innocent girl's life?

Ap glares him.
Swara stops the car in front of a college where they studied.

Ragini  :  (confused)Swara y did u stop the car here???

Swara  :  Just to recall some memories.

They both gets out of the car.

Ragini  :  Still it looks the same na.

Swara  :  (with a stern face) Yeah

Ragini  :  What happened Swara??

Swara  :  Nothing ragini I will be back in 5 minutes.

Ragini stands there and enjoys tge view of her college.

He sees a guy standing at a certain distance from her.

She reminsces something and her eyes become teary.

She moves near to him
And the guys is revealed to be...........................

Precap      :        ????????

Note  :  So whom do you think the guy must be?? Laksh or any other
Do post your answers in comments

Thank you so much for your support guys❤❤❤❤.At first i didn't expect this much support. The support you guys are giving is making me to post 2 to 3 updates per day.Thank you soo much❤❤❤❤

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