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The scene starts with doctor examining ragini and a tensed face of Laksh.

Ragini  :  Laksh y r u looking sooo tensed. Its just that I didn't eat properly.

Laksh  :  Ragini I was continously telling you to have something but u didn't pay heed to me.

Ragini  :  Don't worry Laksh I am alright we can leave we want to see Shekar uncle.

Laksh  :  But Ragini

Dr interrupted

Dr  :  Am I a doctor here or u both.

Laksh  :  Dr there is nothing to worry na she ila alright na.

Dr  :  The matter is a little bit serious Mr. Maheshwari.

Laksh had tears in his eyes.

Laksh  :  Dr(with a broken voice)

Dr  :  Arey I didn't complete my sentence. Congrats Mr.Maheshwari ur going to be papa.

Laksh  :  What 😱😱😱😱

His happiness knew no bounds. Ragini is also smiling admist tears. She carsses her belly.

Dr  :  But if the same heath condition continues the situation will be worso. So take care😊

Laksh nods amd carries Ragini to his car.

Laksh  :  Bachcha did you hear what doc said. Hereafter your food habit is under my control. Ok come first lets share this happy news to our family.

Ragini  :  Laksh one min. I think this is not the right time to reveal. I know very well the one who is inside my womb is Janaki maa. So first I want to punish the ones who killed my maa then we can reveal this.

Laksh  :  Bachcha but it is not safe tou you and our child.

Ragini  :  Laksh you trust me???

Laksh  :  Bachcha what type of ques is this???

Then go to Shekar uncle's house.

Laksh  :  But on one condition you should not invlove much in this. Don't stress yourself. If this lucky can become Laksh maheshwari, a responsible business man for Ragini then he could also become lucky again for her. And you know lucky's way of treatment is always unique.(He wimks at her).

Ragini  :  (smiles)  ok laksh ji.

They both drove to shekar's house.

Shekar and Sharmishtha were sitting in the garden. They saw raglak coming towards them.

Sharmishtha  :  Ragini Laksh you both here. Come inside beta.

Laksh  :  No maa lets sit here itself and talk.

Shekar  :  Ragini beta are you ok now. Swara said me everuthing. We were about to meet you today evening.

Ragini  :  Ji uncle.

Shekar  :  Beta plzz call me papa not uncle.

Sharmishtha carsses her hair.

Ragini  :  Papa maa was killed by someone. I want to know who killed my maa. I came to know about maa from rathna maa. But the info she gave me says that maa knows you already.

Shekar  :  What your maa knows me already.

Ragini  :  Haan papa (she narrates the whole incident)

Sharmishtha's face became doubtful with a chocking voice she asked.

Sharmishta  :  Ragini beta what is the name of your maa???

Ragini  :  Janaki

That's it a thunder strom fells on Shekar and Sharmishtha's face.

Dadi who was hearing their convo drops the cup there itself.

She runs near to Ragini and shakes her.

Dadi  :  What name did you say?????

Laksh releases Ragini from dadi's clutches and hugs her protectively.

Laksh  :  Why dadi didn't you heard??? She is Janaki maa.

Dadi stumbles back but Sharmishtha holds her.

Raglak shocked with the reaction of trio after hearing the name.

Precap    :     Another shock?????

Note   :   Sorry for the late update.

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