Part 20

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The scene starts with the man. He is revealed to be krishna

Laksh  :  Krishna uncle????

Here in mm,

Swara  :  Maa please you all had not eaten anything please eat something.

Sanskaar  :  Swara please no one is not even in a midset to do something.

Parineeta  :  Ragini didn't even come out of her room

Inspector arrives there

Dp  :  Inspector saab any information about laksh???

Inspector  :  Sir please be brave to hear the news

Ap stumbles

Ragini after hearing inspectors sound comes out

Inspector  :  Sir we have found a body near lake but the face can not be recognized. But he have many similarities with your son so please come and confirm that he is your son or not

A thunderstrom fells on everyone's face

Ragini runs and holds the inspector's collar

Ragini  :  How dare you say that?? Get out from here right now

Inspector  :  Mam but

But they hear a weak voice of a person

Person  :  Ragini

Ragini's face brighten and she turns and the man is revealed to be laksh

Laksh  :  Bachcha

Ragini goes near him and hugs him tightly.

Laksh  : Shhh bachcha don't cry i can't see you in tears ( he says in a weak tone)

Krishna comes from backside of laksh

Dp  :  Krishna?? You???

Krishna  :  Haan..( about to say something)

But laksh feeling no movements in ragini realizes that she already fainted in his arms.

Laksh  :  Bachcha.... bachcha.....

Everyone's attention turns towards them.

Swara runs near them

Swara  :  Ragini what happened??Ragini wake up na

Parineeta  :  Sanskaar call the doctor.

The doctor examines ragini all were tensed

Doctor  :  Mr. Maheshwari I said you on that day itself not to stress her much and her health condition should be improved. Let her rest for sometime.

Doctor leaves

Swara  :  Laksh when did you both go to hospital and ragin was not feeling well???

Laksh  :  Oh she was feeling a little dizzy 2 days back so we went. Doctor said that she is a bit weak.

Swara  :  Oh ok(with a suspicious face)

Dp  :  Krishna sry because of this i couldn't greet you properly. Come and sit

Krishna goes and sits in the sofa.

Laksh  :  Papa krishna uncle saved me from those goons

Krishna  :  Haan on my way to office my car got punctured and I was standing outside thats when I saw some people taking laksh in a van forcefully i followed them by an auto and informed police. When i reached there laksh was beaten up and was tied to chair by them. We somehow managed to rescue him but we couldn't catch that culprit

Laksh  :  But I know who he is??

All looks at him

Laksh  :  He is your uncle swara. Your mother sharmishtha's brother roop.

Swara  :  What????

Laksh  :  Yeah he said to me that ragini's mother Janaki has snatched the place of his sister. So he is doing these.

Swara  :  I am ashamed to call him as my uncle.

Sanskaar  :  Already we are running behind that Gaurav and now a new one. Lucky lets file a case against him.

Krishna  :  We have already given it. No worries Sanskaar.

Dp  :  I don't know how to thank you krishna because of you laksh is saved today. Even though you are angry with laksh you saved him today

Krishna  :  No dp i have to thank laksh because of him i relized money is not important than family or love. After kavitha left my house had lost its charm. Even though i have money it os not giving me peace.
Thank you laksh

Laksh  :  Uncle please don't say thank you. Kavitha is in mumbai only. I will give her address you go qnd meet her. She is also missing you

Krishna  :  😢😢thank you

After some time in raglak room,

Laksh carsses ragini's hair. She wakes up.

Ragini cups his face

Ragini  :  Nothing happed to you right? Is it paining?? ( her eyes become glassy )

Laksh keeps finger on her mouth

Laksh  :  I am hell angry on you now

Ragini looks on with a shocked expression.

Precap    :    Roop to create a distance between raglak 💔💔💔💔

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