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The scene begins with raglak telling their past to swasan.

Laksh : Sankskaar do you remember that I did my postgraduate in Mumbai .

Swara : Wait a minute Ragini also went to Mumbai for doing her postgraduate. Did you both see each other there? Did your love started there? You married there right?

Laksh : Bhabhi sa if you want to ask more questions ask it we will continue the story tmw?(says laksh and holds ragini's hand to leave)

Swara slaps her forward and tells them to continue.

Sankskaar : Yeah lucky I remember

Laksh : That is where I saw her. When I was in my final year she joined the college.

The scene starts in the college freshers party is going on there.

Some of them are teasing and some of them are chitchatting.

There comes our angel in a white anarkali.

Laksh who is making fun with his juiors by asking them to do situps saw her and was mesmerized by the angelic face of her and that innocent look made him to fall for her at the first sight.

Unknowingly his legs moved to her. She was standing in a corner with a fear that someone will tease her.

Laksh : Excuse me.

Ragini doesn't look him her eyes are already like 😢😢😢😢😢😢
Laksh was shocked.

Laksh : Hy angel look at me why r u crying . I can't see tears in your face.

Ragini looks at him with a shocked face why is he calling me as an angel

Laksh : Look I understand you looked like an angel so only. Don't worry angel I will save you from all of them.

Ragini : Really bh..(about to say bhaai but)

Laksh : Nooooooooooo.....

Ragini again looked at him shocked.

You wait here first I will arrange something and when I give you signal you can go to your class.

Ragini : Ok🙁🙁

Laksh goes there.

Laksh : Guys!!! I heard that our principal has sent a detective to moniter what we are doing.They might record it and show it to the principal.

Guy 1 : But lucky I can't believe my ears. Our lucky who is a hero and who is not feared of anyone is talking like this. Wait let me check.

He pinches a guy near him. He shouts.

Guy 1 : Yeah I am not dreaming.

Laksh : Safety is first na. If I felt anyone as them I will show you signal.You all stay alert.

At that time when everybody engaged in their works laksh winked to Ragini. When ragini entered he signalled to his friends that she is the detective. They all stopped their works and gave way to her as though they are not naughty.

Ragini went to her class.

Evening when her classes are over she waited to see Laksh.Laksh came from her behind.

Laksh : Searching for me.

Ragini : Yes....😳😳😳No thanks for saving me.

Laksh : Arey I don't want thanks but I want something else.

Ragini blinks.

Laksh : I want your friendship.Will you give it to me????Laksh gestures for a handshake.

Ragini smiles and gives her hands.

Ragini : Friends.😊😊😊

Laksh in mind don't worry lucky many love stories start with friendship.

Laksh leaves from there.

On her way back to hostel ragini is thinking y am I getting his thoughts only. It may be attraction just that.

She washes away her thoughts and moves fastly from there.

Days passed on. Laksh and Ragini became soo close.Ragini has unknowingly fallen for him.

Laksh also felt that Ragini has started to love him. So he decided to confess ot to her.

He requested her for lunch in a restaurant with all his friends. She too agreed. He said he will pick up her from the hostel.
Next day morning,

Laksh picked up ragini from hostel. They reached the restaurant. At that time laksh mobile rang. He said ragini to go inside. But ragini waited for him.
While laksh was speaking over the phone ragini saw a truck nearing him. She was shocked.

Screem freezes in lakshya talking over phone, a truck nearing him and a shocked face of Ragini.

Precap : Marriage😳😳😳😳😳

Note : Thank you soooo much for you support❤❤❤

I am repeating it again ur support is the only thing that makes me to write.Feeling blessed to have such a readers like you😇😇😇.Thank you soooo much❤❤❤❤❤

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