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The scene opens in the ashram.

A luxurious car enters into the ashram.Shekar and his family get out from it.

While seeing the car rathna(care taker of the ashram) and ragini rushed to them.

Rathna  :  Namaste sir😊

Shekar  :  Namaste ji.I hope everyone is doing good.Ragini beta how r you?

Ragini  :  I am fine sir.

Shekar  :  Ragini I have told you many times not to call me as sir call me as papa.Do you know you are the first ever kid to be found when i started this ashram.I found you as a 2 months child.Only after you came here I found my lost love sharmishta and our daughter swara.Even though swara is elder than you it was you who called me as papa firsrt.So please beta don't call me like that.

Sharmishta  :  Haan ragini.Shekar is right beta.I can't see difference between you and swara.Even we called you to stay with us in our home,but you rejected it.Now atleast call us as maa and papa

Ragini looked at dadi with a glassy eyes who in return was looking at her as thought she will kill her

Ragini  :  Ji maa papa.

Dadi  :  Arey shekar time is going on we need to complete the puja that you arranged here today.Call to swara when will she arrive here?

Sharmishtha  :  Maa she said she can't join with us today as she have some important work.

Dadi  :  Ok then we can start the pooja.

After the puja they left from there.

Ragini  :  Rathna maa I am also going out in search of job.

Rathna  :  Ragini is this needed Shekar sir said that he will offer a job in his company.

Ragini remembers that incident. After Shekar said that he will offer a job in his company and left dadi who over hears it comes inside

Dadi  :  Hey you girl.Don't ever think to enter our company.I already don't like the way the whole family treats you and upon this you are planning to enter our company.Don't forget that you are an orphan.

Ragini  :  Ji madam

Ragini thinks y dadi maa hates her from childhood.

Ragini composes herself in front of rathna maa.

Ragini  :  No maa I want to get a job out of my talent.

Rathna  :  Ok ragini.

Ragini leaves from there.
The scene shifts to a park where laksh is tensed thinking about something. Sanskaar arrives there.

Sanskaar  :  What happend lucky? Y did you called me immediately.

Laksh  :  Nothing sanskaar simply thought to spend time with you

Sanskaar  :  You are thinking about her right.

Laksh  :  Sanskaar did you became a swamiji you said it just by looking me.

Sanskaar  :  Arey i dont have to be a swamiji for this if my naughty brother has stopped his notorious activities for an hour and called me then i am sure that he remembered about her.

Laksh  :  What to say bhai how much ever I try to forget her I can't.

Sanskaar  :  Lucky  I understand you but..

At that time all run outside the park as a girl was hitted by a vehicle.

Laksh and Sanskaar too rushes there.

They go inside the crowd and shocked to see the scenario there.

Scree freezes on the shocked faces of laksh and sanskaar.

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