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First of all I am very sorry for this much late, but the situations were not favourable. I was not feeling well and I also had exams. Now I am relived from all of those and I like to continue my story. I hope so all will give your support. I assure that there won't be any delay here afterwards.

Let's move on into the story now
The scene starts with raglak.

At night,

Raglak room

Laksh  :  Bachcha instead of changing sides close your eyes and sleep see the time is 10 now.

Ragini  :  Laksh I have many questions in my mind and I am sure without knowing the answers of those questions I won't get sleep.

Laksh  :  All your points are correct but for me your health comes first before all. So like a good bachcha close your eyes now.

Ragini  :  Laksh🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁

Laksh  :  Chup you na come.

He makes her sleep in his lap and after some time he slowly places her in bed and leaves to another room.

After some time,

When the clock strikes 11: 55

Laksh slowly goes near Ragini and carsses her hair

Laksh  :  Bachcha wake up

Ragini wakes up and sees the time and says laksh the time is only 11:55 why did you wake me up.

Laksh places his hands on her mouth

Laksh  :  Come with me

He carefully places his hand on her and brings her to a room.

They were standing in front of a room.

Ragini  :  Laksh what are you doing you are not sleeping and even not letting me. Now why are we standing here instead of getting inside?

Laksh looks at the watch and tge time is 11:58

Laksh  :  For some more time bachcha please

Ragini  :  Don't be this much cute laksh 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

They were in an eyelock and the clock strikes 12

Laksh opens the door

Ragini was shocked to see a room full of candles and full of raglak's pics

Ragini's choldhood pics

Laksh's childhood pics

Their pics

And the pic which omi took when they were married all were hanging.

Ragini with a glassy eyes enters inside and touches laksh's chidhood pic she smiles unknowingly.

Laksh comes from back and backhugs her.

He whispers in her ears

Laksh  :  Happy anniversary bachcha😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍for our first anniversary we were not together but this time I want to make it the best one for the best gift I got. So how was it for you.

Ragini cries and faces him and higs him more tightly.

Laksh  :  Bachcha I didn't do this foraking you cry. I did it for making you smile. I can't see your tears please don't cry bachcha.

Ragini  :  Laksh these are tears of happiness. Happy anniversary laksh and love you a lotttttt😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

Laksh  :  Love you too bachcha😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

Ragini hugs him tightly.

Laksh  :  Wait I forget one thing. What if she gets angry on me.

Ragini  :  Laksh whom you forgot???

Laksh  :  You can't understand this and you don't distueb me for 5 mins.

Ragini  :  But laksh

Laksh keeps finger on her mouth.

He kneels down and carsses her belly.

Laksh  :  Meri pyaari guddiya I am you father. You know one thing I love you a lott. Today is the day when I make your mother as mine. We were worried these much years because inspite of making her mine I can't be with her. But now she is with me and this time we have got a best ever gift that is you. I promise you that we will love you more when you come to this world. And you will be in this dad's side right. Why not?? tum meri guddiya hey na you will be on my side.

He had tears on his eyes. Ragini carsses his hair.

Laksh  :  You have a big family here dadi, dada, choti dadi, bua, bade papa, bade maa, bua, naana , naani and if they know about your arrival now itself all will pamper you.

Ragini closes her eyes and cries.

Laksh  :  Now like a good guddiya sleep peacefully and kisses her belly.

Ragini  :  Laksh 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

Laksh  :  Ragini 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

Next day morning,

Raglak comes down and takes aashirvaad from the elders.

Swasan and parish uttara wish them.

Ragini  :  Maa shall we go for temple

Ap  :  Sure beta come soon before that finish the pooja in house.

Ragini  :  Ji maa.

They finish the pooja and leave for temple.

Laksh  :  Ragini

Ragini  :  Ji

Laksh  :  Ragini

Ragini  :  Ji

Ragini turns to him

Laksh  :  If you are this much beautiful how can I concentrate on driving.

Ragini  :  Laksh  (smiles shyingly)

They laugh

Raglak reach the temple.

Laksh  :  Ragini you stand here itself I will go and bring the pooja thaali

Ragini  :  Ok laksh 

Laksh goes to buy but before that a van comes and a group of people get down from it.

A man makes laksh smell a kercheif from behind.

They kidnap laksh

Ragini who came in search of Laksh shocked to see Laksh like that.

She runs behind the van but after some time she feels week and stands there.

She immediately calls to swara

Swara  :  Hello kya dewrani sa on your anniversary you called me to romance you should be romancing with laksh

But after hearing her sobs her facial expression changes

Swara  :  Ragini what happened?

Ragini  :  Swara someone kidnapwd laksh in a van

Swara  :  What???

Ragini explains the whole incident

Swara  :  Wait there we will come

Ragini goes in front of god'a idol and prays.

Screen freezes on her face.

Precap  :  ?????

NOTE  :  For being late a part full of raglak and apologoes from my side

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