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The scene starts with ragini's shocked face.

Ragini  :  Lakshhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!

But laksh doesn't see her.

Ragini runs to him and pushes him and she too runs before the truck nears them.

Ragini cries badly and checks all over him.

Ragini  :  Laksh you didn't get any hurt right.

Laksh  :  Shhhhhh Ragini don't cry i can't see you in tears.

But Ragini is not in her sense to listen him.

Ragini  :  Laksh you dindn't get hurt right.

Laksh  :  Ragini ragini ragini listen to me ragini I love youuuuuuu.....

Ragini shocks. But emotions overcome her at that time.

Ragini hugs laksh and cries.

Ragini  :  I love you too lakshhhh. I love you toooo.

Laksh smiles and hugs her.

Laksh  :  What to do Ragini I have to do this much to hear your confession.

Ragini  :  😳😳😳😳🙁🙁What!!!!!

Laksh  :  Yes i knw about my adamant and overthiking bachcha. Even though if I confess and she has feelings for me she won't accept it saying some reasons. And waise bhi this is lucky's proposal right it has to be something different in lucky's style.

Ragini  :   (hits him on his chest) If anything has happemd to you

Laksh  :  Nothing will happen bachcha me and my friend omi planned this. Omi was driving the truck. So nothing will happen. Don't worry.

Ragini hugs him and cries.

Ragini  :  But I can't forgive you for this

Laksh  :  I like your way of showing anger bachcha.

Ragini hits him again.

They spend that day together.

At night Laksh drops Ragini in the hostel.

Laksh  :  Bachcha be ready tmw we r going to my friend tanu's marriage.

Ragini smiles and nodes.
Next morning,
Raglak go for laksh's friend tanu's marriage.

Tanu  :  Arey laksh welcome.

Laksh  :  Hi tanu!!Congrats for your marriage.

Tanu  :  Thanks yaar.

Laksh  :  Meet my Ragini.

Lakshya intoduces Ragini to Tanu.

Tanu  :  Oh my she is really an angel dude. Ragini Laksh has said many things about you.Come today fully you are going to be with me.

Tanu introduces ragini to her mom.

Ragini was enjoying the marriage with tanu and her mom. They are also treating Ragini very well.

When ragini and tanu's mom are standing and talking. A guy comes there and hands over a box to tanu's mom

Tanu's mom  :  Ragini this is the mangalsutra. In our tradition we always get the jewels from guys side and make the mangalsutra by hands. It only comes to the girl's family on the day of marriage.

Ragini smiles.

Ragini  :  Very intresting maa.

That time some one calls tanu's mom. She hamds over it to ragini.

Tanu's mom  :  Keep it tanu's room Ragini.

The maariage rituals starts

Tanu's mom comes there with a shocked face

Raglak are tensed to see it.

Tanu's mom says that the mangalsutra is no where to be found.

All are shocked.

She goes to Ragini.

Tanu's mom  :  Hey girl!!! Where did you keep the mangalsuta. Do you know the value of it? I am the fool. To whom I am asking? You are an orphan right? How do you know the value of relatives amd these rituals?

Ragini cries badly. At that time Laksh shouts

Laksh  :  Enoughhhhhhh

Laksh calls omi and says him to immediately buy a mangalsutra.

Laksh furiously goes to the room where they kept all the things

Laksh comes out with the mangalsutra in his hands. All looks at him shocked

Laksh  :  They had kept all the things on this so it was hidden when your searching.

He gives the mangalsutra and the marriage happens. Omi reaches there with the mangalsutra.

Ragini  :  Bhaiya no need the marriage happened and the mangalsutra is found.

Laksh  :  Who said that mangalsutra is for tanu's marriage?

All looks at him shocked.

Laksh takes the mangalsutra from Omi and drags Ragini to the stage

Laksh  :  Pandit ji perform the rituals.

Panit starts saying the mantras. Ragini looks at him with tears

Ragini  :  Laksh

Laksh  :  Shh bachcha no hurry we can romance afterwards.

Laksh ties mangalsutra to ragini's neck and keeps sindhoor on her head. A bit falls on her nose.

Laksh drags ragini to the centre of the crowd.

Laksh side hugs her.

Laksh  :  You are the people who said my Ragini as orphan right. Now she is Mrs.Ragini laksh maheshwari.Now she has maa papa chacha chachi bhai bhabhi . All are there for her. Don't even dare to utter a word against her. She is not the one who doesn't knw the value of relations. She is the one who knows it more than us. Because a things value will not be known if it is always with us. First wash the mindset of you people. It is the dirtiest thing in this world.

Laksh holds her hand amd takes her out from the crowd Ragini lloks at him with teary eyes😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

Screen freezes on them

Precap       :       Seperation💔💔💔💔

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