Part 24

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So the scene starts with all the family members pampering ragini and the trio - shekar, sharmishta and dadi enters.

Dadi  :  Ragini i am very happy to hear the news

She hugs ragini

Sharmishta  :  I am happy that janaki di is not anywhere else but she is within her daughter itself

Shekar  :  Be happy like this forever beta

Ragini  :  Maa, paapa, daadi when you all are here to take care of me then what problem is going to come here

Someone's mind voice there

Don't be soo much excited about your happiness ragini all your happiness are going to be converted into sorrow

Laksh  :   Finally the things are at right place and i am happy that our every problem is solved

Another person's mind voice

How can i say to you that the real problem has started now

All disperse.
At jail,

Gaurav  :  How dare that roop backstabbed me i won't leave him. I will kill him for sure.

At mm,

Dp and ap arranged for a function to celebrate the news of new arrival

Lady 1  :  Anapoorna it is good that your choti bahu is pregnant but don't you feel sad for your other two bahus

Lady 2  :  What for anapoorna will worry somehow she is going to get a grandchild

Faces of swasan and parish fell down

Ap  :  Shut your mouths all of you. Dont you all dare to speak a word against my bahus. There is no partislity between them and i love them equally. Not only uttara is daughter of this house parineeta, swara and ragini all are my daughters.

Ragini  :  and haan i am bearing the child but he has 3 maas and i am one of them . Swara and parineeta bhabhi are also mothers of this child.

Hearing this all the maheshwaris were proud of ragini being their daughter in law

Swasan and parish has tears in their eyes

But one pair of eyes among them is even more tearlful a sort of guiltiness is visible in those eyes
At night,

Swasan room

Swara was checking something when she sees sanskaar she hides it.

Sanskaar observes change in swara's behaviour

At parish room,

Parineeta was talking to soneone over phone and when she hears foot steps she cuts the call.

Adharsh who was standing at the dooor senses something wrong

Precap    :     🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

So whom do you think might be the two persons.

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