Part 19

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The scene starts with the crying face of ragini

She stands in front of the god's idol

Ragini  :  Why are you doing this with me always? Even before my happiness lasts for hours you try to snatch it. You showed my maa in front of my eyes but before i came to know that she is my mother you snatched her from me. My family was in front of me these much years but i couldn't identify them. I tolerated all these but now you are trying to snatch my life my laksh from me i couldn't bare it. If anything happened to him i will kill myself. I can't live in this world without him. He is my everything. How could you????

She falls on her knees and cries

Ragini  :  Already you snatched my maa from me na now if you want to take anybody's life take mine but please return my laksh safely. I saw my mother's love in him. Please don't try to snatch him.

Swasan arrives there and sees Ragini

Swara goes and hugs her

Swara  :  Ragini😭😭😭😭

Sanskaar  :  Ragini did you note the van's number??

Ragini  :  No sanskaar the van is not yet registered so they have mentioned for registration.

Sanskaar  :  Ok first we can go to a police station and we can file a case against laksh's missing

The trio goes to police station and files a case.

They return home.

Ragini was not in a state to utter a single word. She was devasted. Swara was holding her.

Ap rushes after seeing the trio.

Ap  :  Ragini sanskaar swara where is my laksh?? Did you guys find him???

Sanskaar  :  No maa we have filed a complaint on his missing but we couldn't find him.

All becomes sad.

Suji consoles ap.

Ragini in a devasted state goes to her room

But on her way to room she sees the room decorated by laksh. She gests inside the room.

Yesterday's moments flash in front of her eyes.

She goes and stands in front of their marriage pic and carsses laksh's face.

Ragini  :  Where are you laksh?? You don't like your bachcha crying na but see how much I am crying come soon and console me laksh. I promise you that i won't cry once you have been gound i won't cry. I will eat and sleep at the time you say. I won't do any nautankis but please come back. You guddiya is also waiting for you please laksh come back.

She falls there and cries.
Somewhere in a dark place laksh is shown tied to a chair

Laksh  :  Ragini.... ragini.... (in a half concious state)

A man is standing in front of him but because of darkness is face can't be seen clearly.

Precap  :😱😱😱😱

So whom do you think might have kidnappes laksh



A mystery man????

Post your views and thank you soo muchh for you response

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