Part 21

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The scene begins with laksh angry on ragini amd ragini looks at him shocked.

Laksh : Whatever happening is not good and i don't want you yo take this much stress during this time. Give me a time spam of 1 week. I will give a nice punishment for that roop and gaurav.

Ragini : But laksh

Laksh keeps hand on her mouth

Laksh : No buts and ifs. You trust me right

Ragini : Morethan anyone else in this world.

Laksh : Then listen to me for 1 week don't even have a thought of them and after that they will be under your legs asking your forgiveness.

Ragini : Ok laksh

Laksh : And one more thing ragini we have to disclose about your pregnancy now itself to the family.

Ragini : But laksh we said that after finding them and punishing them we will tell this to the family

Laksh : Ragini i don't want to take risk in this 1 week if i am not near you i want your safety

Ragini : No laksh if we didn't disclose also i will be safe i assure Ragini

Laksh : Ok ragini now you sleep

After making her sleep laksh talks in a call with someone
At a godwon,

Gaurav : It is good that we both joined hands together

Roop : What to do Gaurav now our target become same destructing Ragini. I don't want something happened with my sister should repeat with swara also. Janaki snatched the position of sharmishta in shekar's life and i don't want ragini to snatch the position of swara in maheshwari house.

Gaurav : Roop it will be good if we don't get the matters of past here. Now think how we will reach our target.

Next morning,

Ragini wakes up and see laksh is not beside her. She remebers the words of laksh last night.

She prays to god that laksh should be safe.

She gets ready and goes down.

Swara : Ragini you look so tired you take rest for some time.

Ragini : No swara not needed. Did laksh eat before leaving.

Swara : No he said that he will have it on the way. He is not going for office today.

Ragini : Yeah swara i know about it

Swara hugs her don't worry ragini nothing wrong will happen. Each and everyone will pay for their deeds.

Tears flow from ragini's eyes.
At evening Ragini gets a call from laksh

Ragini : Laksh did you had you lunch?? Where are you now?? When will you arrive??

Laksh : Ragini don't worry about me I am fine here. I called you now to inform i will be back there in 2 to 3 days.

Ragini : 2 3 days laksh what are you up to?? Atleast inform me about your plan.

Laksh : No ragini i assure that there is no risk in this and i will also punish our maa's killers

Ragini : Laksh😢😢😢😢😢

Laksh : Take care of yourself and my bachcha miss you both sooo muchhh😢😢😢
Afrer 2 days

In mm,

All were siiting and talking

During that time sharmishta shekar and dadi arrives.

Swara  :  maa papa dadi you are here without informing.

Dadi  :  Laksh called us and said to be here he want everyone here.

The trio goes and intreacts with both their daughters.

At that time they hear a voice "ragini"

Ragini recognizes the owner of that voice and suddenly turns.

All of them looks at the entrance and all are laksh.

Laksh enters inside with a person

Precap :  ??????

Any guesses of what is going to happen next??

How roop is going to create dstance between laksh???

Post your views.

And about the os i have said in note do you guys want me to do it in serial track or a new plot or some suggestions for plots for that

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