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The scene begins with the crying face of dadi , Sharmishtha and Shekar.

Sharmishtha  :  Ragu beta do you have a pic of janaki???

Ragini  :  Haan maa I got it from Rathna Maa it is in my purse. My purse(Ragu thinks). Maa I left my purse in the car wait I will bring it.

She starts to run but suddenly feels dizzy. Laksh goes near her and holds her.

Laksh  :  I am saying you many times to take rest but you are not paying heed to my words. Agar kuch ho jaathi tho. I will bring it.

Dadi , Shekar and Sharmishtha too rushes there.

Dadi  :  Ragu what happen beta?? Are you not feeling well? Did you have breakfast??? You come here and sit

Listening to dadi's words raglak was beyond shock. They couldn't believe that who was smiling when ragini was tried to be killed was taking this much concern for her after hearing Janaki's name.

Laksh went to bring the purse with confusion.

Ragini was sitting in a chair and the trio was waiting impatiently to see the pic.

Laksh brought the pic and the next moment tears were continously flowing from her eyes.

Sharmishtha took the pic from dadi. Shekar also joined with her to see the pic. Her grip loosened and the pic fell from her .

Dadi let out a loud cry and screamed.

Dadi  :  Jankiiiiii...............

Shekar's state was same. The only words came out from his mouth was

Shekar  :  Ja....n....aki.......

Seeing their state Ragini hugged laksh in the sitting the position. A tear escaped from her eyes. Laksh too covered her protectively as though assuring her everything is alright.

Swasan who came there to explain what all happend in this one month were also shocked by the scenario. They rushed to them.

Swara  :  Maa papa dadi why are all you so shocked after seeing Janaki maa's pic.

Sharmishtha  :  Swara because janaki is Shekar's wife.( says it with a chocking voice)

A thunderstrom fell on Swasan and Raglak's face. The most affected person was Ragini.

Swara  :  Maa( with a breaking voice)

Sharmishtha  :  Haan swara Janaki was first wife of Shekar and we all thought she was dead.

Swara  :  Maa that means Ragini

Shekar  :  Haan Ragini is Janaki and my daughter.

Shekar says in between his tears.

Shekar  :  My daughter whom I failed to recognize these much years.

He cries. He goes near Ragini and hugs her and cries.

Ragini says papa with a broken voice.

Dadi goes near her and she too hugs her.

Meanwhile all hear crackers sound at the entance. All are terrified and doesn't know who did this. In a short time smoke occupies the whole place.

After some time all coghs and are relieved that the smoke is gone.

Laksh turns back to find Ragini but he doesn"t find her.

Laksh shouts her name.

Screen freezes with the shocked face of family members and tensed face of laksh 

Precap      :       💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔

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