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The scene starts with the shocked face of sanlak.

They are shocked to see swara sitting there with scratches in her hand.

Sanskaar goes naer her.Laksh disperses the crowd saying that she is his bhabhi and they will look after her.

Sanskaar : Patni ji you know what this will only happen when you start a detective agency against your husband and devar.

Laksh : Sanskaar what are you saying Swara?? detective??

Sanskaar : Yeah you don't know right.You pyaari bhabhi sa has a doubt that you are loving a girl and I am secretly helping you.Today morning she asked about it and I said nothing like that. The result is what you are seeing

Laksh : 😂😂😂😂😂

Swara : Please shut up your mouth.Laksh I am trying to help you. Yesterday they were speaking about searching a girl for you. So I thought to help you if you love a girl. Becoz u r the one who supported sanskaar when he loved me.

Laksh : I understand swara but nothing like that.

Swara : Your lips are saying but your eyes are saying something else.Anyways surely I will find it out.

Sanakaar : All the best (while treating her scratches).Do you want us to drop you?

Swara : No thanks.I came by my car I will go in that.

Sanskaar : Drive safely mrs.detective😂😂😂(hifi with laksh)

Swara : 😒😒bye

Saying so she leaves.

Sanlak sighes in relief kmowing that she doesnt hear anything.
While swara is in the car she sees Ragini crossing the road.She asks driver to stop the car and calls her.(Ragini and Swara are close friends.They both studied in the same school.However dadi didn't like it and Ragini was not that mature to understand dadi's anger Shekar made Ragini to study in swara's school.They also studied in the same college.Ragini got admitted into the college by merit.Eventually they become soo close)

Ragini : Swara(with a glow in her face)

Swara : Ragini.Where are you going?

Ragini : Today I had an intervoew before I could reach there they said that the posting was give some one because of recommendation😔😔😔😔.So I am returing to ashram.

Swara : Ragini how many times maa papa and myself told you to join our company.Y r u not ready to hear our words?

Ragini : No swara I want to get a job out of my talent.

Swara : You are becoming so adamant now a days.Ok you are going to ashram right.I am also going there.Come and sit in the car I will drop you.

Ragini : Ok swara.

In the car

Ragini : Swara how is your life going on. Are you happy??

Swara : Haan ragini you know everything about there right.Sanskaar is there to look after me.

Ragini : Haan swara still I am in a guilt that I could'nt attend your marriage.So I did'nt see your family members still now except Sanskaar. I have only heard about them.

Swara : Don't worry ragini one day i will get you there and introduce everyone.

Ragini : Ok swara😊

They reach the ashram.Swara talks with everyone there and returns home.

She goes inside and sees everyone chitchatting

Sanskaar : This much time from park to our house?Where did you go detective saab.

Swara : I went to ashram.

While saying so driver comes inside saying a purse is in the car

Swara : Think so this is ragini's

Ap : Ok beta no problem tmw call her home after your brief intro about her we are also excited to see her.

Swara : Ok badi maa.

All leave to their rooms.

In swasan room

Swara opens the purse she first sees the pic of childhood swaragini and then sees another pic and was shocked.She sits down on the bed with thud.

Samskaar who enters there sees it

The screen freezes with the shocked face of swara.

Precap : Raglak meet??????But the situation is😓😓😓😓

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