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The scene starts with revealing the person.

The person's face cannot be seen because it is damged by the fire.

Ragini sees this and scaringly hides herself in his shirt clutching his shirt.
She closes her eyes.

Laksh  :  Please don't feel weak come near and see

Ragini  :  (crying) Noooo...nooo... laksh I won't see the face.

Ap goes and brings her near to the body.

Ragini sees the clothes and finds it similar to Janaki's dress.

Ragini  :  Maa don't tell it is Janaki maa ( her voice breaks )

Sanskaar  :  Haan Ragini it is Jamaki's maa

That's it for ragini her happiness a minute ago tirned into sorrow that can never be gone.

No words came out of her mouth.

After a lot of struggles she shouts maa and sits near her.

Ragini  :  Maa please don't do this to me I have found you after many years plzz plzz maa don't do this to mee😭😭😭😭😭

All are beyond shock. They don't what to say. Tears stopped coming from their eyes. They can't digest the fact that after so many struggles Ragini got her mom but not alive.

Ragini  :  Maa plzz don't leave me like this maa. Just before half an hour I came to know about you but I have build a 1000's of dreams. I have planned about every minute how to spend with you. I want to hear Ragini from you mouth atleast once not malkin sa please get up maa. I know you would have missed me the same way I have missed you. You would have yearned to feed me na maa because I yearmed for it maa. I wanted to sleep in your lap atleast for once maa plzzz get up.😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Laksh composed himself and went near ragini because he can't see his love in pani. A heat breaking moment for all.

All completed the last rituals of Janaki.

No one could pacify Ragini because it is not a loss that will go off. All prayed to god that it should be a nightmare.

Swara informed about it to her family. They also reached there with dida. Everyone were genuinely worried for her.

At night,

Swara  :  Ragini please don't show your worries on food. Atleast drink some juice. U didn't eat anything from the Ragini

But Ragini was not uttering any words she is sitting blankly only tears are rolling down from her eyes.

Laksh came inside he saw the whole family standing inside

Laksh  :  I will look after her.

Other than that he also couldn't utter any word. This incident has also affected him.

All understood them and left.

Laksh  :  Bachcha

Ragini  :  Why laksh why have god done this cheating with me???

Laksh  :  Ragini Janaki maa will be seeing from heaven. If she sees you in this state will she be happy???

Ragini breaks down in his arm. Laksh too hugs her protectively. Tears are flowing from his eyes too. He makes her drinks the juice.

Ragini  :  Laksh I want to know how this happened to maa?

Laksh says.....

After you left from home I called Janaki maa and asked her to prepare the lunch of your favourotes. She said that she needs some ingridients for cooking it. I said her to go and buy in the near buy shop. She too followed the same. But after she came to the kitchen and tried to fire the stove the gas exploded.

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