Part 25

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So first of all I am sorry that I am posting it after a longggggggggg time seriously I tried to write it on time but situations really didn't favour me.

I guess some of you might have forgot the plot of this story so if you are one among them here is a short review

Ragini an orphan and laksh a naughty guy both meet each other through swara and sanskaar and it is revealed that they are already married and are waiting to be settled in life. They lead a happy life but when somenone tried to kill Ragini things go abnormal and in the following days it is revealed thay janaki and shekar are Ragini's parents but before Ragini gets a motherly love her mom dies which reveals her brother's hand in it. Also shomi's brother is plotting against them. Now Laksh has promised Ragini about punishing those who killed janaki maa and Ragini has released Roop from the jail. It is revealed that in mm someone is helping Roop

Now the story continues below

So the scene begins with all the mm family members praying in the pooja hall.

A phone call arrives to Laksh

After receiving the phone call shock is clearly visible on his face.

Ap : Laksh beta what happend

Laksh : Mom Gaurav commited suicide in the jail and he had written a letter in which he had mentioned that he has some proof against some one in our house and mentioned to het in xyz godwon from his goons.

Shock is clearly visible on everyone's face.

Sanskaar sees swara doubtfully while adharsh sees parinnetha

(They have a doubt on their wives becoz of yesterday's incident)

Dp : Laksh Sanskaar and Adharsh will go to that place and collect those evidences about the black sheep among us.
The trio reaches the placr and shocked to see Roop already there.

Roop  :  What do you guys think that I will spare you all "not at all" and  the evidence that Gaurav said was about me and I am that black sheep.

He laughs maniacally.

What do you all think that I will spare that Janaki's daughter never after finishing you three I will kill her mercilessly.

Laksh fists his hand.

Roop calls the goons.

But before that cops sorround them.

Roop looks shocked.

Laksh  :  What do you think Roop I will believe you never man don't ever under estimate this lucky. Gaurav already said about you and all this was a drama to trap to you. And you fool you will be behind the bars now and you can't even think of coming out.

Now all the maheshwaris and gadodias  arrive there.

Sharmishta goes infront of him and slaps him.

Sharmishtha  :   This should be given long back.

Before the police takes him he takes the gun and points towards Ragini.

The gun shot is heard.
But Laksh comes in front of Ragini and the bullet gets into his arm.

All shouts :  laksh

When Roop tries to run the inspector shoots him and he died.

All brings lalsh to the hospital.

After treating the foctors assure them that it is a minor injury.

Ragini enters inside

Laksh calls her bachcha lovingly

Ragini folds her arms in the chest.

What were you doing there laksh. Are you a super hero What would be my state if anything had happened to you.

Laksh  :  Ragini bachcha enough dont cry. I can't see your tears. Please think about my state what would have happened if anything had happened to you

All enters the cabin at that time,

Swara  :  Nothing would have happened

Sanskar  :  Because you both are always inseperable.

Adarsh  : You are always one even the god can not seperate you both

Ap smiles and says "our Raglak"

Screen freezes with their laughibg faces.

Ragini gave birth to a baby girl and they named her Janaki.

Happily ever after.😊

So after a so much of struggles I am able to finish this ff.

Really a big sorry to all my readers who are a great support to me and at first when I started writing I got a lot of time so I gave you guys a regular update but after that situations were not favouring me I started to write this part a long back and finished ot now.

I am really sorry as an author I failed to give you all regular updates but you all gave a wonderful support through your votes.

May were a great support to me. Your comments and votes made me to wite.

I promise you guys that I will be back with a ff based on women empowerment and I am not sure when I am going to start but once I di I assure you all regular updates.

And thanks to the authors whose writings motivated me to do this work.

I am great fan of Vm9627 THR777 and @anaz.( I had not talked to them yet but they are a great great insoiration for me to write and I really loved them to the core).

I am a silent reader then bout now I will surely cast my votes when I read them.

I loved reading their ffs and i will in another world when I read those.

Thanks to all my regular readers and supporters Girithosh 120khushmita lucky_lakshmi BMaheshwari amita291 ChandraSekar267

I am really sorry if I had missed any of you. Thank you soo muchhh and bye.

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