Ch. 2 Home Sweet Home

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Three hours later, the Alaskan airlines safely land on Seattle-Tacoma Internation Airport. Evelyn looks out the window since she is sitting next to it. She smiles when she sees it is a bit sunny, and she turns her gaze to Bella, who is sitting in the middle row since a businessman is seated on the left side of her. The blue-eyed Swan sees that the brown-eyed Swan has her eyes closed while listening to music in her earphones. The young teen gently placed her left hand on her younger sister's shoulder, which causes Bella to open her eyes and look at her. 

" What?" Bella annoyingly asked while taking off one of her earphones. 

" We are finally, here, Bella," Evelyn says to Bella while faking a smile. 

' Why does Bella hate me so much?' Evelyn curiously asked herself. ' I have always been kind to her. Heck! I even make sure that she is not alone when we go out to parties,' Evelyn sadly sighs.

Bella looks away from Evelyn as she turns her gaze to the window. 

' Why did I agree to come to Forks again?' Bella curiously asked herself. ' Rain and I do not mix at all,' Bella sadly sighs. 

Evelyn opened her mouth to say something, but a flight attendant announced that it is okay to take their seatbelts off and to grab their things since they are leaving the airplane. The blue-eyed Swan smiles as she pulls out her cell phone from her purse, and she started to text her mother, letting her know that they safely made it to Seattle.

Everyone, including the Swan sisters, grabbed their belongings, and they walked out of the airplane. As they headed to the exit, Evelyn decided to call her father to ask him where they are going to meet up. 

Evelyn looked through her contacts, and she smiles when she finds the word "Dad." The blue-eyed Swan pressed the green button next to it. The oldest Swan placed her cell phone against her right ear as she patiently waits for her father to pick up the phone. 

A few seconds later, Charlie picks up the phone, and he happily greets Evelyn sounding happy to hear from his eldest child. 

" Hey, Eve! Are you and Bells here yet?" Charlie curiously asked Evelyn. 

" Hey, Dad. Bella and I are here, and we are heading to the exit. Where are you?" Evelyn curiously asked Charlie as she looks at her surroundings since Bella is walking behind her. 

" I'm parked in front of the passenger pick up area. I'm not that hard to find since I'm wearing my police uniform, and I am leaning against my police cruiser," Charlie tells Evelyn. 

Evelyn looked straight, and she smiles when she sees Charlie. The blue-eyed Swan tells her father that he saw her, and they both hang up. The Swan sisters walked out of the passenger pick up area as they go to greet their Father. 

" Dad!" Evely happily shouts when she sees her father. 

"Eve!" Charlie softly smiles when he sees his eldest daughter running up to him while dropping her luggage to the side. " Umph!" Charlie grunts when the blue-eyed Swan jumps on him, but the Swan patriarch kept a hold on her so that she would not fall. 

" I miss you, Dad!" Evelyn smiles as she hugs her father tightly. 

" I miss you too," Charlie smiles back as he hugs his eldest daughter close to him.

 The father and daughter happily hug each while Bella akwardly stood there on the side. 

" How are you?" Charlie asked Evelyn as he lets carefully puts his eldest daughter down. 

" I am doing well," Evelyn smiles at her father. 

" You sure have changed since the last time I saw you," Charlie says to Evelyn while looking at her long wavy brown hair. " Your hair grew. It looks nice," Charlie smiles at his eldest daughter. 

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