Ch. 7 We used to be close

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" Evelyn. Since you are new here, you need to get your class schedule, lock for your locker, and a yellow slip where your teachers sign so that the principal knows that you went to class on your first day," Angela tells Evelyn while walking alongside her and the others to the school building. 

Evelyn opened her mouth to say something, but Eric, Mike, and Tyler cut her off. 

" I can take her!" Eric, Mike, and Tyler shouted. 

" No! I am going to take her," The three boys started to glare at each other. " I met her first," Eric smirks at Mike and Tyler, which caused both boys to groan in annoyance. 

Angela worriedly sighs as she turns her gaze to Evelyn. 

" I'm sorry, Evelyn. The guys rarely act like this," Angela tells Evelyn. 

" It's okay, Angela," Evelyn smiles at Angela as she turns to look at the boys. 

" Boys?" Evelyn calls out to Eric, Mike, and Tyler. 

" Yes!" Eric, Mike, and Tyler turned their gaze to Evelyn. 

" Can one of you guys save me a seat in case I have the same class as one of you?" Evelyn politely asked the three boys. 

Eric, Mike, and Tyler smiled at Evelyn. 

" Sure!" The three guys spoke in unison, and they started to run through the hallway as they head to their first-period classroom since they wanted Evelyn to sit next to them. 

Angela and Jessica watched with amazement since the three boys never acted this way towards them. Jessica turns her gaze to Evelyn, and she curiously asked the blue-eyed Swan how she did that. 

Evelyn turns her gaze to Jessica, and she smiles at her. 

" A dear friend of mine who lived in Phoenix used to tell me to charmed someone into doing something for you. All you have to do is to smile and look cute," Evelyn explains to Jessica as the three girls giggle. 

" Who is your friend?" Jessica curiously asked Evelyn. " I want them to tutor me into getting guys to do whatever they want for me," Jessica smiles at the blue-eyed Swan. 

" Jessica," Angela worriedly calls out her friend's name.

Evelyn opened her mouth to say something, but she stopped due to the school bell ringing to let all of the students know that the first-period class is going to start soon. 

" I should get to class. I'll see you guys later," Jessica waved goodbye to Evelyn and Angela as she runs off to her first-period classroom. 

Angela turns her gaze to Evelyn. 

" Alright, Evelyn. I am going to take you to the main office," Angela happily tells Evelyn as she escorts the blue-eyed Swan to the faculty's office. 

At the main office, Angela opens the door, and she lets Evelyn get inside first. The two teenage girls walked up to the desk, and the blue-eyed Swan politely introduced herself to the faculty member. 

" Welcome to Forks High School, Ms. Swan. Here is your class schedule, the lock for your locker, and a yellow slip where teachers will sign their names to let the principal know that you went to your classes," The male faculty member tells Evelyn as he gives the stuff to her. " You can bring that slip to the office once school ends," He smiled at the blue-eyed Swan. 

Evelyn politely nods her head as she thanks the male faculty member. The blue-eyed Swan turns around as she and Angela walked out of the main office. Standing in the middle of the hallway, the two teenage girls looked down at the class schedule. 

" Yay! We have Spanish with Mrs. Goff at Building 7 for the first period. We share that class with Eric and Mike. Then we have Government with Mr. Jefferson at Building 6 for the second period. We share that class with Mike and Tyler. 

Then we have Nutrition. For the third period, we have English with Mr. Mason in Building 3. And the fourth period is Trigonometry with Mr. Varner at Building 5. 

Then we have lunch. Lastly, we have Biology II with Mr. Banner in Building 2, and we share that class with Mike for the fifth period. And, for the sixth period, we have PE with Coach Clapp at the GYM, and we share that class with Mike and Jessica," Angela explains to Evelyn. 

" That's good," Evelyn happily tells Angela since she is relieved that she and Angela, as well as her new friends, have the same class schedule as her because that means she is not alone. 

Evelyn curiously hummed when she remembers her younger twin sister.  

Angela worriedly looks at Evelyn. 

" What's wrong, Evelyn?" Angela worriedly asked Evelyn. 

" It's nothing. I was only wondering what classes my sister got for this year," Evelyn tells Angela as they walked to their first-period classroom, which is Spanish. 

" You have a sister?" Angela asked, sounding surprised. 

" Identical Twin sister," Evelyn akwardly laughs. " The only difference between us is that I have blue eyes while she has brown eyes," The blue-eyed Swan tells Angela. 

" That's cool. What's your sister's name?" Angela politely asked Evelyn. 

" Her name is Isabella Swan. But she likes to be called Bella," Evelyn annoyingly rolled her eyes. 

Angela looks at Evelyn with a worried expression. 

" I have a feeling that you two are not close," Angela softly tells Evelyn. 

" We used to be close," Evelyn sadly tells Angela. 

" I had always watched over Bella when we used to live in Phoenix. Since you know, she is my younger sister. In the beginning, I felt as though it was my duty to look after her. And be there for her since I am the older sibling. As we got older, I started to notice all of the subtle glares or mean looks that she gave me. I also started to see the way she spoke terribly towards me," Evelyn tells Angela as she sternly stares at the ground. 

Angela gently placed her right hand on Evelyn's left shoulder as she stares at the blue-eyed Swan with a worried expression.

" Today, I made it clear to my parents that when we started going to this school. I am not going to be her babysitter since she is seventeen. And whatever decision she makes, it is on her," Evelyn lifts her head as she turns her gaze to Angela. 

Angela smiles at Evelyn, feeling happy for her new friend. The dark-haired teenager looks away as she continues to smile when she sees that they are standing outside of their Spanish classroom. 

" We are here," Angela tells Evelyn as she escorts her new friend into their first-period classroom. 

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