Ch. 14 I got into a fight

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Evelyn silently walks out of the school building with Coach Capp. She stops walking and turns to stare at the older male.

" Thank you for calming me down, Coach. And I'm sorry for causing such a commotion earlier," Evelyn apologize.

" What happened was not your fault," Coach Capp reassures. " I honestly did not expect that sister of yours to speak to Charlie in that manner," He murmured.

" Even though we are currently seventeen, Bella still doesn't like that Dad didn't fight for us or try to get with Mom again after she divorced him.

I mean, I was initially sad that Mom and Dad weren't together. But, I figured I could not force two people to be together. So, I would rather see my Mom and Dad be happy with whatever they are doing in their life than get miserable," Evelyn speaks.

Coach Capp's gaze softened.

" You have such an amazing empathy. Keep that. It will help you when it comes to seeing the good and bad of those around you," Coach Capp fondly smiled.

Evelyn hummed in response.

" Have a good day, Evelyn. And I hope you can stop by the men's basketball team when you can," Coach Capp waves goodbye, and he walks away.

Evelyn nods her head in response and waves goodbye. She looked at her surroundings, seeing that all of the students' cars were gone and the only vehicles on campus belonged to the faculty and staff. Her sapphire blue eyes then spot her father's police cruiser.

' I should wait for Dad and Bella to get out of the school,' Evelyn tells herself. She turns and walks towards her truck. She unlocks her car and carefully gets inside, closing the door beside her.

Charlie and Bella stepped out of the school building a few minutes later. Evelyn's sapphire blue eyes blinked when she saw her father escorting her younger sister to the police cruiser.

Bella looked at her surroundings, and her chocolate brown eyes blinked when she saw her older sister sitting inside the truck and staring at her. Her eyes narrowed, thinking that her sister was mocking her that she got in trouble and not herself.

' This bitch. I cannot wait to have my hands on you,' Bella sneered.

Evelyn shivered when she saw her younger sister stare at her with a murderous gaze. She didn't know why but something was telling her not to go home yet. Her sapphire blue eyes blinked when she heard her cell phone ring.

Evelyn grabbed her cell phone from her backpack, and she looked relieved when she saw Garrett's name on the screen. She pressed the green button and placed the phone against her right ear.

" Hey, Sugar," Garrett happily greets Evelyn.

" Garrett! You do not know how happy I am to hear your voice," Evelyn brightly smiled, sounding relieved.

" Delight to hear that you are happy to listen to my voice. However, I can tell something is bothering you. Is your kid sister treating you like crap?" Garrett asked.

Evelyn glanced at the police cruiser, watching her father and younger sister get inside.

" I have so much stuff to tell you. I wish you were here at Forks," Evelyn mumbled while watching the police cruiser leave the school.

" Where is a good spot to meet?" Garrett asked.

Evelyn looked at her surroundings, thinking her best friend was in Forks.

" It was a struggle getting to Forks. Some puppies wanted to play chase with me, but I outrun them," Garrett cackled.

" Puppies?" Evelyn asked.

" I'll tell you about it in person," Garrett reassured. " So, know a good spot to hang out?" He asked.

" I can go to the market. There's one in Forks called Forks Outfitters Thriftway," Evelyn responded. " It's like a thirty-minute drive from where I am at," She tells Garrett.

" Or. How about I head to you? I see your pretty face from where I'm at," Garrett amusingly chuckled.

Evelyn's sapphire blue eyes widened. She looks at her surroundings, trying to see where Garrett could be hiding.

A swooshing sound grabs Evelyn's attention, and she turns, seeing a tall, handsome, rugged man in his thirties with shoulder-length shaggy brown hair and deep blood-red eyes.

" Garrett!" Evelyn widely smiled, and she attacked her best friend with a hug.

" Hey, Sugar," Garrett carefully embraces the shorter female.

" I'm surprised you are here at Forks," Evelyn lets go of Garrett and looks at him with a delighted expression.

Garrett opened his mouth to say something, but he stopped when he saw bruises on Evelyn's dainty hands. He immediately grabs them, holding her hands carefully, causing Evelyn to stare at him.

" Garrett?" Evelyn calls out, looking and sounding confused.

" What happened to your hands?" Garrett asked.

" Oh! I got into a fight," Evelyn responded.

Garrett raised an eyebrow wanting more answers about Evelyn's bruised hands.

" A brawl or a catfight?" Garrett asked. " If it was a brawl, tell me who these gents were, and I can take them off of your hands," He firmly speaks. " Gents these days do not even know how to respect a lady," He hissed in anger.

Evelyn knew Garrett was genuine about killing any man that harmed or touched her negatively.

" It was a catfight between my sister and me," Evelyn calmed Garrett.

Garrett's blood-red eyes blinked when he heard Evelyn had gotten into a fight with her sister.

" Oh! Do tell me why?" Garrett asked, looking and sounding intrigued.

Evelyn amusingly rolled her sapphire blue eyes. She pulls out her cell phone, puts her finger on her mouth to silence Garrett, and she begins to call Charlie.

Charlie picks up the phone after the first ring.

" Hey. Dad. I have decided to go to the market and stock up on food and other necessities. Is there something specific you like at the market?" Evelyn asked.

Garrett makes himself comfortable. He closed his blood-red eyes, pretending to sleep as he listened to Evelyn and Charlie's conversation.

" That is nice of you, Pumpkin. Can you get your old man some root beer, some coffee, and some Diet Coke?" Charlie asked.

Evelyn amusingly stared at the school when she heard her father only wanted beverages.

" Sure! I'll be home at a later time, okay," Evelyn informs her father.

" Okay! Drive safely. Your sister and I made it home safely. She's currently in her room. I will call your mother and let her know what happened, okay. See you soon. Love you," Charlie hangs up.

" Love you too, Dad. And tell Mom that I love her," Evelyn responded, and she hung up the call.

Evelyn puts her cell phone away, and she turns her gaze to Garrett.

" Want to accompany me to the market? I will tell you what happened on the way," Evelyn intently stares at Garrett.

Garrett opens his blood-red, and he widely grins.

" Sure thing! I'm curious to see what you are going to get," Garrett amusingly chuckled.

Evelyn amusingly laughs. She grabs her key, turns on the truck, and drives out of the school property.

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