AUTHORS NOTE: Haven't proofread this so hope it turned out ok, it's a bit all over the place (Editing note: ok that author's note makes me nervous. [just finished editing and i'm kinda proud of the chapter title, worked the old story title in somewhere 😂])Harry stared down at the Pensieve, Minerva had given it to him shortly after the war. He hated everything about it, too many reminders but he needed the Pensieve, to check things that his mind would block out naturally to protect him from bad memories. His hand shook as he lifted the vial of memory and he poured the wrong one in, suddenly everything made sense.
Ginny panicked as she saw the glowing white stag approach her, it was unusual for them to exchange messages through Patronuses, only in times where it was urgently needed.
"Ginny, as soon as you get time, I need you to come home. No rush, wait until lunch if you need to but I've contacted Ron and Hermione too, I need to tell you something important. Love you."
The stag dissolved into nothing as Ginny stood up, she knew that Harry would never contact her at work unless it was an emergency, she knew it couldn't be anything to do with James, Albus and Lily because otherwise he would have sounded panicked, it must be something with Harry. She disapparated immediately and met both Ron and Hermione outside, clearly they were just as worried as she had been.
Harry watched as his wife and two best friends came into his office, concerned expressions on their faces and he didn't know where to begin. Ginny took a seat right beside him, her hand reached out for his. The other two sat opposite, on the large sofa. He didn't know where to begin.
"Harry...... what's wrong? Whatever it is it's okay, you can tell us."
"It's a curse, I can't get rid of it."
"Mate, no offense but what are you on about? We need a bit more to go on."
Harry started again, the words weren't coming out as easily as he'd hoped.
"Voldemort... I think it was a, a mistake, I can't figure out why he would do this you know, do this intentionally and Dumbledore, Dumbledore never realized... He cursed me, sometime between when I was a baby and the Battle of Hogwarts I'm not sure when... Anyway it means I have to die by his... Voldemort's hand. I can't die a natural death, it has to be him. And he's killing me."
Ron, Hermione and Ginny were shocked into silence. Things were beginning to dawn on them.
"Harry," Hermione started, "Your... connection that you have to him, can it, you know....."
"Is that what's killing you?" Ron asked, fearfully.
"I, I think so. I'm not sure. If it does then I guess, I guess you'll know. It doesn't matter, honestly this isn't a big deal."
"We need to let Mum and Dad know. They'd want to hear this from you rather than finding out whenever it gets leaked to the papers. The kids are home in two days, we can tell them when they get back." Ginny told him softly.
"No. I'm not telling anyone. I'm sorry I bothered you all I shouldn't have." Harry stood up and went to walk out but thought better of it and looked around for something to do.
"Harry," Ron said bluntly, "You're telling us that you're going to die shortly by Voldemort's curse. I don't care who you're trying to protect or how the..." Ron swore loudly. " think but this is important."
"Ron!!" Hermione scolded in a whisper. Harry shifted and for a moment he looked like he was going to yell at his best friend. Ginny stood up on a level with her husband.
"Harry, Ron's right. I'm not just going to sit back and watch you suffer and barely tell me anything. You shouted and screamed at me that night before the second of May and then disappeared on me and I had no idea where you were, I was worried sick and so were our kids. Harry if you can't do it for yourself, or for me, just try for Jamie and Al and Lily. You hide away from us and then any time we do see you, you break down and make yourself sick with the thought of Voldemort, or else shout and scream at us when we're just trying to help. Harry, you need help, serious help and I don't know what I can do but we can't keep on like this or else you'll be miserable for the rest of your life." Ginny informed him, her voice getting louder and angrier with every sentence. Ron and Hermione sat awkwardly at the side of the room.
"I DON'T KNOW WHAT I CAN DO EITHER. I WISH I HAD DIED IN THE BATTLE AND NEVER BEEN ABLE TO RUIN YOUR LIFE OR YOUR FAMILY. I DON'T DESERVE ANY OF YOU." Harry slammed the door so hard that one of the hinges broke, the door wouldn't open.
"Harry wait, that wasn't what I meant..." Ginny wrestled with the handle and reached for her wand, the unlocking charm didn't work. She blasted the handle off in annoyance and rushed outside.
"He's, he's gone, he disapparated.". Tears began to fall from her cheeks and Ron put his arm around his sister.
"I, I didn't mean any of it. It just sort of..."
"Slipped out. I know the feeling. You need to be careful with him, you know, he takes things too seriously, needs reassurance a lot that people love him and care for him. Even then he doesn't really believe it."
"Thank you Ron," Ginny said sarcastically. "I know that, I've been married to him for twenty years in case you haven't noticed."
"I'm just saying if you go and shout at him he'll just retreat back and distance himself and then where will we be? You have to go at it slowly. Not saying he's perfect but I've learned to be more patient with it, he doesn't mean to upset anyone."
"I know, but he's upsetting himself as well as me and I can't sit back and watch him do it."
"Shouting at him won't help." Ron said sadly. "The only time he smiles is when he's playing Quidditch."
What Voldemort Left Behind
FanfictionHarry Potter never fully recovered from the war, it affects his life more than anyone. Being an Auror had taken his mind off things but eventually it began to make things worse. His three children have a loving family and attend Hogwarts, their live...