Chapter 35 - Harry Potter Day

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AUTHORS NOTE: ok so there's one thing in this chapter at the end i thought about adding but wasn't sure when but when i got to the end i thought just put it in here and see how it goes. got so many ideas but they're all for different times of the story, planned out the ending a billion times but i don't plan the middle until it's written 😂. anyway i'm trying to include at least one idea from everyone who gave me ideas for teddy lupin so he'll be in for at least a chapter more with a bigger role. anyway i forgot what i'm saying here cause one of my singing teachers keeps talking at weird moments [ok editor here I just realized how little sense that made, just ignore it cause the explanation is probs longer than the chapter you're here to read] so byeeee enjoy the story

They didn't comment on their grandmother's red eyes and tear streaked face.

"Since it's your dad's birthday tomorrow, I thought you four could help me make a treacle tart, it's always been his favorite. You too Arthur, I need all the help I can get."

Their Grandad looked up from his manual, How to Fix an iPhone in 6 Easy Steps, and nodded cheerfully. They spent the next few hours baking with their grandmother's careful guidance and by the evening there was enough to feed far more people than there could possibly be coming the next day. James had accidentally set his dessert on fire with his wand and it was beyond repair so his grandmother had set him with the task of fetching ingredients for the others. Teddy tripped over his own feet and dropped one of the tarts but somehow it was salvageable, Albus had made a good attempt after Kreacher's cooking lessons and even Lily's dessert was edible, although it would be the last one to be served, only in case of emergencies. Rose and Hugo had both inherited their grandmother's cooking skills that the Potter kids hadn't, but Rose had taken a part time job at the joke shop over the summer and Hugo was at a Hogwarts friend's house until the next day. James was slightly jealous of his cousins' lives, freely able to go places without much risk of being murdered on the spot, despite their parents being closely associated with his dad, James wished he could see friends and have a summer job, but the logistics of making those things safe were too much bother.

"Kreacher?" James and Lily called their loyal elf over, "Whatever you do, don't say anything to Dad about Teddy until the surprise is revealed."

"Yes Young Master and Young Mistress. Kreacher will never say a word, no matter what happens. No matter if anything goes wrong, if it's an emergency, Kreacher will not say a word to Master Harry."

James clapped a hand over his mouth. Lily quickly rephrased. "Kreacher wait, no, ignore that order."

"Ok listen to this instead: Don't say to Dad about Teddy unless it's important, like you can tell him if something bad happens but don't say anything if you don't need to."

Kreacher bowed. "Thank you, Kreacher does everything he can to help Master Harry and Kreacher can't wait to see him surprised for his birthday."

Kreacher skipped away and Lily turned to her brother. "That was close, Mum and Dad would be furious if we gave Kreacher an order he can't break."

The siblings helped the house elf to hide the birthday desserts where their father wouldn't see. Teddy went to hide in James's room with the Cloak, as James's dad would know immediately if someone was under the Cloak around him. At 5 o clock he returned from work looking awful.

"Good evening Master Harry! Kreacher is very happy to see his Master home."

"Thanks Kreacher."
James noticed his dad didn't look at all well. He was pale and moved far too slowly towards a seat, breathing heavily as though he was out of breath. James's grandmother rushed over to help him but he barely seemed to notice, she led him over to a chair and conjured a glass of water and tried to speak to him but got no response, eventually walking away. She noticed James watching nearby and came over.

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