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Confliction- to come into collision or disagreement; be contradictory, at variance, or in opposition; to clash

I, my dear, am conflicted....

About what you may ask?

Well, to put it simply, I'm conflicted about us.

I don't know what to really do anymore.

I give you my body, and I give you my mind. But, what do I get from you?

You allow me a brief glimpse into your soul sometimes, but what is that glimpse when there are several million galaxies still waiting to be explored?

That's the thing honey. You take and you take and you take, but you just don't know how to give. You cannot make a withdrawal from the bank unless you put money in first. This relationship, it's the same way.

Why am I even still here? To suffer.......?

No. Of course not....

Maybe I'm just trying to prove to you that I can do it.....

That doesn't sound correct either....

It's probably because I fucking love you. I always have...

If only you could pull your head from your ass and maybe you would see....

I could be the best thing to ever happen to you.

And that, my dear, is why I am conflicted.

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