*My First Times*

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TW: *This writing is not sexual in a hot way, it's kind of deep and more exploratory than anything, sorry to disappoint. Read at your own risk*

There are so many first times in a woman's life; it's hard to define which one is the most influential. There's the first day of school, the first time wearing a dress, our first time wearing makeup. Our first time playing a sport, or our first time playing an instrument. There are far too many firsts in a woman's life to even list them all, but they are all important in their own unique way.

The first time a teenage girl starts her period is a life changing event. It's a time in a young girl's life that signifies that she is finally beginning to lose her innocence. It's horrifying and heart wrenching and absolutely imperfect; it can be a nightmare and a blessing all at the same time. The first time a girl touches herself is almost the same way.

It's a topic that's often avoided by the media, this absurd idea of feminine sex or intimate pleasure. But this experience is one many women have, yet rarely discuss with the outside world.

The first time for a woman is never easy. It's always unsure, inexperienced. It's cautious, yet rushed in the same moment. It's like riding on a bike for the very first time; you wobble, you fall, you almost certainly want to give up. You may even fail the first time, but it is always so perfectly imperfect in such a way that nobody else can define it for you.

The first time is so intimate and private. It is a feeling you just cannot share with anybody else, as it is too unique to you. You get to know your body in a sense that nobody else ever will. It's as though you have developed a bond, an understanding within your body that connects your heart and soul.

This may sound like a strange way to describe something that is so minuscule to the naked eye, but to some, this will all make perfect sense.

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