Am I Floating?

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My's above the water?! I can see beautiful white sand! I can hear the waves crash, children laugh, music blasting! And I just have to swim a little further!

Cutting you from my life was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I don't miss you now. I don't think about you often. It's like you never existed.

And though at times the thought of you saddens me, you are the reason I left. And, quite frankly, I feel nothing towards you now. And if I did, it would only be disappointment in my heart. Nothing more. And that is a bliss I never thought I'd have.

So goodbye old friend. You let me down for the last time. I hope you don't drown without me, and I hope you never miss me. Because, though you are the worst, I wish you the best. And I hope, somewhere in all this, you will realize our mistakes and learn from them as I have done myself.

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