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I am obsessed with you again... one half of my mind knows that the decision I'm making is unwise while the other half longs for a rekindling of our past relationship.

Why do I love you with so much strength?
Even after everything you did to me....
All the gut wrenching pain you put me through.....
Am I being plainly too naive or am I really following the true intentions of my heart?

Perhaps only time will truly answer that question.

There's a part of me that swears it will never trust you again, while another part of me begs for me to unload my ever cluttering mind onto your awaiting shoulders.

A part of me wants to be a thousand miles away, while the other wants to draw only nearer to your comforting embrace.

Most of all, there is a part of me that wants to listen to what everyone is saying and leave you for good, while the other part is clinging to your existence for ever-loving life.

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