Memories (For Memorial Day)

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It's crazy, the things we don't notice when we are struck by tragedy.

Lying in bed now, listening to the practically constant rain of another May night, I begin to look back at the times when my grandfather and great-grandmother left this world forever.

The moments often seem quite unclear to me; my memory is poor anyways, made even poorer when my brain tries to block it all out. I usually remember small moments from the days but nothing of much substance.

Tonight, however, a whiplash of curiosity came to me in a moment of pondering. Strangely enough, I began to wonder what the weather was like on the days when they decided to pass on.

October 4th, 2013. It was a sunny day, a high of 79 degrees; extremely warm for it being October. I remember wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt; I remember a strange feeling in the house as I wandered from room to room; only as I become an adult have I realized that unfamiliar feeling was an imminent mixture of both grief and sorrow. Our emotions were miserable, but in all honesty, it truly was a perfect day to be your last. I feel like, somewhere deep in my heart, I know Papaw was thinking the exact same thing.

November 27th, 2013. One day before Thanksgiving. It was cloudy, unbelievably cold. Snow began to fall; it stuck like glue to the few leaves that remained on the trees. I remember the cool comforter under my legs, the open curtains raining in light from the snowy day. I remember finding a Bible to read to you in your final moments. Most of all, I remember my hitched breathe finally releasing itself as I watched you breath your very last.

It's crazy, the things we begin to remember as we relive a tragedy.

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