The whole school were busy. Some eating, some eating other's lunch, some teachers talking on phone stealthily, some busily talking to their friends while eating but two besties were fighting over a rasagulla.
"Preeti, give me!"
"No, buaji did it for me." Preeti pulled the box.
"I only helped her!"
"Because she is at your home. So you helped her."
"It's unfair." saying so Naina pulled the box in Preeti's hand. Both were pulling and it fell on two becharas, Sameer and Pandit.
"Sorry." Apologized naina.
"Preeti, ask sorry."
"I won't ask sorry to this monkey and his friend."
"Ask your friend to mind her words naina." said sameer.
"Don't talk to them we will complain to mam." suggested pandit.
"Please don't complain to mam." pleaded Naina.
"Don't ask sorry to them Naina."
"Preeti will you please sit silent. Mistake is ours and you are not asking sorry.....ask sorry."
"Sorry, just for naina's sake."
"Now you won't complain to mam na?" Naina interrogated hopefully.
"We will." Pandit responded angrily.
"Pandit leave..." Sameer supported the girls.
"I won't." He said firm.
"Theek hai theek hai...." Pandit relented.
"Thank you." Naina muttered. "Preeti, say thank you."
"What?!....." and seeing naina's face she, mumbled a 'thank you' which is only naina can hear.
The next morning naina said 'thank you' to sameer for handling pandit the before day.
"You only said, dosti mein no sorry no thank you"
"I forgot." She slapped her forehead slightly.
"But I need something in return." His lips had a mischievous grin.
"What?" She raised her eyebrow.
"Your homework note!"
"I won't give."
"Then I won't give your water bottle" He took her bottle and ran away from her.
"Sameer! Give it to me!"
"You give your homework note then I will give."
But she took his water bottle and ran away.
In return he took her school bag. She didn't gave up she too took his school bag. They ran away from each other. It continued for five minutes and they came to a decision both gave each other their bags.
Is he the one?
Genç KurguIt is not a love at first sight. She likes him. Does he likes her? She has a crush on him. Does he has a crush on her? She loves him. Does he loves her? She got answer for all these queries. What about the most important one, IS HE THE ONE? Did she...