10) Proposal

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"I love dulari, naina. You should only help me."

Naina was shocked. She controlled her, "Sure sameer."

"We don't need your help." Naina and sameer turned back to see the owner of the voice. It was a fat and tall girl dulari standing there with an intolerable smile.

"I love you sameer." ,proposed Dulari.


"NOOOOOOOOOOO......" shouted naina. Naina fell off from her bed.

"It's a dream." and sighed naina. She searched for deepika. That's when she realized that deepika went for college tour. She saw the time. It was only 6.00. She usually start her day at 6.30. She decided to write her diary.

My dear box of secret,

You know that sameer na. I misunderstood him. I am a total mad. How could I not trust him? I was also afraid that I would break anand sir's trust. But preeti, my hanuman cleared all my doubts. But again a tragedy in my life. Arjun proposed me. That's not the case. The case is sameer is happy about this. But I controlled me somehow and came from there. Sameer didn't love me. This sentence hurts me. My love had broke up even before I proposed him. I am not going to disturb him. Let him be. I am going to move on. After all it is a childhood crush. One day somebody will come to full this heart.

She looked at the half heart she drawn at the last page of the diary. She was writing all these to console herself to move on. But she can't. She let out her tears and cried.

"Naina beta! get up. It's 6.30." Hearing bua's sound. She lied down on the bed. She covered her face with blanket.

"5 mins."

"What happened to you? You will always get up early."


"Then there is something. Tell me."

"I fought with my friend."

"Then you need to talk to her first. Get ready fast. Then only you can talk to her."

At the other side, a boy who is very happy than any other day.

"Sameer, you wake up very early?" asked the shocked nanu.

"Yes nanu" answered sameer with full energy.

"Very eager to go to school?" asked nanu in a teasing tone.

"Nothing like that nanu."

"I know you are going to meet your special friend."

"No nanu." blushed sameer.

"I could see it from your tomato face."

"I am going to bath."

"Don't run away!"

Sameer told munna and pandit about naina. They were happy for him. They teased him. They suggested him to propose her. Sameer liked the idea. They made a plan.

It was lunch break. Naina was walking blankly. Suddenly munna bumped into her.

"Why are you running like this?" asked naina angrily.

"Sameer...sameer...library...." he said tensed and ran away.

Naina became tensed and ran to library. No one was there. Even the librarian wasn't there.

"Sameer." she called. No response came. She went inside to search for him. She felt someone's presence and turned back. She shouted seeing sameer kneel down in his knees with her favourite Geronimo Stilton book in his hand. Even before she could respond. He started.

"I love you naina." It was very sweet to her ears. She was yearning to hear it from him and she got. She pinched her see if it was real. She didn't reply him. She asked the question that raised in her mind first.

"Then why did you support arjun?"

"That's because I heard you talking to preeti that you love someone and I thought it was arjun. Actually, I was not supporting him. It was his decision. I was not happy about it. But I didn't show it." A smile crept on her face.

"I answered your question. Now reply me."

"I don't......I love you pagal" saying so naina pulled the book from his hand.

She don't know whether this love lasts. She don't know is this love. All she know is she need this. A question raised in her heart.

Only time decides.

I am sorry it is a short chapter. But I can't get over from yesterday's episode. I am watching it on loop. So please forgive me.

See you guys tomorrow with another part. Until then it's bye from Rashi. Signing off from here. CCCCHHHHEEEERRRSSSS!!!!!

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